Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 58

UDC: 634.8.093
GSNTI: 68.35.03

New grapevine cultivars for high-quality red winemaking, adapted to open-earth cultivation in viticulture zones with unstable winter conditions

The article presents a description of the new vine cultivars of NCRRIHV breeding for red wine with heightened resistance to frost and diseases: Kurchanskiy, Dmitriy and Vladimir, which are in State test. Cultivars have heightened adaptability, give harvest suitable for good quality winemaking, and are appreciable for wine cultivars assortment renovation of South of Russia. Optimization of vine cultivars’ assortments in general and zonal assortments in accordance with the requirements of the time - one of the most important factors in the development and stabilization of the wine growing industry. The development of wine tourism direction requires the expansion of local breeding grape cultivars in cultivated assortment of vines. Low winter temperatures limit the possibility of cultivation of frost-sensitive cultivars in traditional wine-growing regions of southern Russia. European grape cultivars that form the basis of high-quality winemaking, exposed to low winter temperatures. With increased adaptability to low temperatures, described cultivars can be cultivated without bushes covering for the winter in zone of earth-covered grape culture of southern Russia, and cultivar Dmitry - in the own-rooted culture. As a result of blending wine presented cultivars were obtained table wine "Farmer's Luck" and "Farmer's Hope", which in the fourteenth agro-industrial exhibition "Golden Autumn" were awarded gold medals. The data show that the grapes cultivars Kurchanskiy, Dmitriy and Vladimir may be worthy competitors for popular zoned red wine cultivars and introduce variety in the wine list offered by local producers.
Keywords: Breeding, frost tolerant vine samples, wine grapes cultivars, red wine


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  1. Ilnitskaya Elena Tarasovna, laboratory head of variety investigation and breeding of grapes, North-Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Hhorticulture and Viticulture.
  2. Nudʾga Tatyana Alexandrovna, researcher, laboratory of cultivar and breeding of grapes, North-Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Hhorticulture and Viticulture.