Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 109

UDC: 631.53.01:633.81
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Salvia officinalis L. seed sowing qualities depending on storage terms and conditions

Long-term storage of seeds at low and lowered temperatures is one of the ways to preserve the biodiversity of cultivated plants, preserve the gene pool as a source material for breeding, including supportive breeding and seed production. Samples of medicinal sage seeds (Salvia officinalis L.) collected during the period from 1983 to 2022 of different storage periods and temperature regimes were studied in laboratory and vegetation experiments. The purpose of the study is to determine the sowing qualities, humidity, weight of 1000 seeds, viability and growth strength of seedlings. When seeds are stored in a refrigerating chamber (0…+5оC), the sowing qualities of seeds are preserved for up to 6 years (germination 73% and germination energy 72%), viable seeds remain for up to 10 years (germination and germination energy are 43%). In the conditions of the freezer, the conditioned qualities are preserved for up to 2 years (germination 75%, germination energy 71%), sowing qualities - up to 4 years (germination 68%, germination energy 63%), and viable seeds remain up to 40 years. In laboratory conditions, after 4 years of storage, the sowing qualities decrease sharply (germination rate is up to 10-18%, germination energy is up to 7-17%), and after 6 years the seeds lose their viability. It is recommended to establish a control time for checking the sowing qualities of medicinal sage seeds - 4 years, the time for checking the viability of seeds - 10 years.
Keywords: Seed production, seed material, seed storage conditions, seed qualities.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-109-83-87


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  1. Toporishcheva Maria Vladimirovna, graduate student, junior researcher employee, FSBSI "All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants".
  2. Korotkikh Irina Nikolaevna, PhD in Agriculture, Leading Researcher, FSBSI "All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants".