Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 109

UDC: 633.11(470.620)
GSNTI: 68.29.07

Features of corn hybrids harvest structure formation in the steppe agrolandscape

The paper shows the scientific field studies data analysis to determine the patterns of the crop structure formation of mid-ripening and mid-late corn hybrids in the conditions of the steppe argo landscape, depending on the plant standing density on various fertilization backgrounds. Objects of research: the effect of fertilizers and standing density on the yield structure formation of maize hybrids bred by Bayer OJSC. Subject of research: mid-season and mid-late maize hybrids DKS 2, DKS 3, DKS 3710, DKS 4178, DKS 4541, DKS 4792, DKS 5075. The purpose of the research is to improve the technology of growing mid-season and mid-late maize hybrids, ensuring their maximum productivity based on optimization density of plant standing at different levels of nutrition in the conditions of the flat agrolandscape of the Western Ciscaucasia. It was revealed that plant standing density influenced the formation of the corn grain yield structure. The number of grainrows and grains in a row had varietal specificity and did not depend on the studied factors. Cob length, average cob weight, grain weight per cob, weight of 1000 grains and grain yield per cob tended to increase at lower standing density and fertilizer application. The average cob weight is from 89 g in the variant with a plant density of 75.0 thousand pcs/ha on an unfertilized background (hybrid DKS 5075) to 232 g in the variant with plant density of 55.0 thousand pcs/ha on the background of organic fertilizers (hybrid DKS 4178) application. The yield of grain from the cob is from 77.0% in the variant with a plant density of 75.0 thousand pieces/ha on an unfertilized background (hybrid DKS 4541) to 84.1% in the variant with a plant density of 55.0 thousand pieces/ha against the background of organic fertilizers (hybrid DKS 4178). The average grain weight per cob is from 68 g in the variant with a plant density of 75.0 thousand pieces/ha on an unfertilized background (hybrid DKS 5075) to 195 g in the variant with plant density of 55.0 thousand pieces/ha against the background of organic fertilizers (hybrid DKS 4178). The average weight of 1000 grains per cob is from 99 g in the variant with a plant density of 75.0 thousand pieces/ha on an unfertilized background (hybrid DKS 5075) to 301 g in the variant with a plant density of 55.0 thousand pieces/ha ha against the background of organic fertilizers (hybrid DKS 4178).
Keywords: Corn, hybrids, standing density, fertilizers, crop structure.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-109-56-62


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  1. Kravchenko Roman Viktorovich, DSc in Agriculture, Head of the Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  2. Zantaria Astamur Mushnievich, postgraduate student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.