Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 109

UDC: 632.4+633.112(571.13)
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Assessment of spring durum wheat samples of the KCI nursery for resistance to dust blight in the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk Region

One of the biggest problems in agriculture, leading to a decrease in yields of grain crops are diseases caused by various pathogenic fungi. Diseases of this spectrum are found practically in all regions of grain crops cultivation, including Western Siberia. Currently, much attention is paid to the creation of spring durum wheat varieties resistant to adverse abiotic and biotic environmental factors. Disease-resistant varieties play an important role in obtaining high yields of grain crops. The article presents the spring durum wheat samples evaluation of Omsk breeding for resistance to dusty mildew pathogens (Ustilago tritici). The research was conducted in the laboratory of plant immunity FGBNU "Omsk ANC" in 2018-2022 in order to identify sources for breeding as sources of resistance to dusty head pathogens. All records and observations of plants were in accordance with generally accepted methods. The object of research were register varieties and breeding material in the amount of 44 samples from the nursery of competitive variety testing of the spring durum wheat breeding laboratory of FGBNU "Omsk ASC". The studied samples showed the virulence of the local pathogen population races, as well as the varietal samples susceptibility. Evaluation of samples on artificial infectious background allowed single out spring durum wheat varieties and lines that showed high resistance to dusty mildew: Gord. 11-99-1, Gord. 11-47-1, Gord. 11-49-1, Gord. 11-77-3, Gord. 12-11-5, Gord. 12-75-3, Gord. 09-73-1.
Keywords: Spring durum wheat, resistance, susceptibility, dusty mildew, Ustilago tritici.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-109-104-108


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  1. Shmakova Olga Alexandrovna, PhD in Agriculture, FSBSI "Omsk ASC".
  2. Yakunina Nadezhda Anatolyevna, PhD in Agriculture, FSBSI "Omsk ASC".
  3. Yusov Vadim Stanislavovich, PhD in Agriculture, FSBSI "Omsk ASC".