Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 108

UDC: 634.8:579.2
GSNTI: 68.35.55

Taxonomic structure of fungal microflora associated with wild grapes in the Krasnodar Territory

In the course of study, the number and composition of the leaves microflora and annual grape vines during the growing season was determined, the dynamics, quantitative and qualitative composition of microorganisms were analyzed. Studies have shown that annual vines, compared to grape leaves, had a smaller number of microflora; in addition, the number differed depending on the place of growth. Thus, the total number of micromycetes on the plants leaves from the slope in dynamics for the period from May to September fluctuated between 1408.0-5028.3 thousand CFU/gram of dry matter (2020) and 1222.3-5161.1 thousand. CFU/gram of dry matter (2021), and on the plants leaves in the floodplain of the river in dynamics fluctuated between 4822.0-9202.0 thousand CFU/gram of dry matter (2020) and 5410.1-9398.8 thousand CFU/gram of dry matter (2021). The number of micromycetes in samples of annual vines collected from plants in the river floodplain varied from 285.2 to 2648.9 thousand CFU/gram of dry matter, in samples from the forest - 93.0-3773.6 thousand CFU/gram of dry matter. In the structure of the fungal microflora of leaves collected from wild grapes from a slope of 8 isolated micromycetes taxa, the first place in frequency of occurrence was occupied by species of the genus Penicillium Link, 1809 (100%), in the annual vine micromycetes structure - species Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák 1905 (75%). In the river ecotope on leaves and annual vines, the first place in the occurrence frequency (100%) was oc cupied by species from the genera Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák 1905 and Cladosporium Link, 1816.
Keywords: Grapes, wild form, microflora.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-108-83-90


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  1. Lukyanova Anna Alexsandrovna, PhD in Biology, Anapa Zonal Experimental Station of Viticulture and Winemaking - branch of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking".
  2. Yurchenko Eugeniya Georgievna, PhD in Agriculture, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking".