Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 108

UDC: 636.2.082.453.53:636.2.02.232
GSNTI: 68.39.13

Repeatability of Holstein bulls sperm production traits when changing meteorological parameters

Studies have been conducted to study the variability of quantitative signs of sperm production (ejaculate volume, total sperm count, defective semen) of Holstein bulls at the age of 1-10 years for the period 2017-2022. The degree of repeatability of these signs was studied (based on the repeatability coefficient) with changes in meteorological indicators (average daily ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure) during the year. Reliable values of the repeatability coefficient of quantitative signs of breeding bulls self-productivity at the age of 2-7 years at the level of 0.24-0.33 (P≤0.001) with the complex meteorological indicators influence indicate a more stable manifestation of the signs with changes in ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure in dynamics. The results of variance analysis also indicate that the meteorological factors variability has less influence on the quantitative signs of their own productivity, including seed defect, of breeding bulls at the age of 2-7 years.
Keywords: Breeding bulls, sperm production, ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, repeatability.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-108-182-189


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  1. Naryshkina Elena Nikolaevna, DSc in Agriculture, senior researcher, FSBEI L.K. Ernst Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry.
  2. Ermilov Alexander Nikolaevich, DSc in Agriculture, professor, FSBEI L.K. Ernst Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry.