Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 99

UDC: 619:615; 636.5; 619:616.36
GSNTI: 68.41.37

Phytosomin pharmacological action in experimental liver damage of laboratory animals with hydrazine

The article presents the results of the study of the pharmacological efficiency of the drug phytosomin in experimental liver damage of laboratory rats with hydrazine. Non-linear rats were intragastrically injected with hydrazine at a dosage of 200 mg/kg of body weight. Then for 21 days phytosomin was administered orally in three experimental groups: group 1 - 0.25 g/kg of body weight; group 2 - 0.5 g / kg of body weight; group 3 - 0.75 g / kg of body weight. The fourth experimental group on the background of intoxication was without treatment, and the fifth group was an intact control. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the use of phytosomin in laboratory rats leads to the weakening of the toxic effect of hydrazine both on the body as a whole and on individual organs, which is confirmed by an improvement in the survival rates and dynamics of the clinical state of animals, as well as by the results of a histological examination. The phytosomal preparation stimulates the processes of regeneration of hepatocytes in case of toxic damage to the liver by hydrazine and reduces the severity of pathological changes in the intestines, kidneys and spleen of rats. It has been shown that the most effective doses for the use of the drug are 0.5 g/kg and 0.75 g/kg of body weight.
Keywords: Phytosomal preparation, phytosomin, laboratory animals, rats, intoxication, hydrazine, histological examination.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-99-195-201


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  1. Vasiliadi Olga Igorevna, postgraduate student, FSBSI "Krasnodar Research Centre for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine".
  2. Kuzminova Elena Vasilevna, DSc in Veterinary, associate professor, FSBSI "Krasnodar Research Centre for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine".
  3. Semenenko Marina Petrovna, DSc in Veterinary, associate professor, FSBSI "Krasnodar Research Centre for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine".
  4. Koshchaev Andrey Georgievich, DSc in Biology, professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  5. Dolgov Evgeny Petrovich, PhD in Veterinary, FSBSI "Krasnodar Research Centre for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine".