Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 97

UDC: 633.18+ 631.524+631.53.01.026+ 631.55
GSNTI: 68.03.03, 68.35.29, 68.35.71

Rice varietal differences in seed viability with varying degrees of seed maturity during storage

Because of the different seed longevity of rice varieties, scientists are interested in factors that affect germination and ways to prevent the loss of genetic resources maintained in collections. The timing of grain harvesting is determined by the degree of its ripeness; for the safe preservation of the gene pool of the collection, it is important to lay high-quality seeds. For this purpose, we studied the germination of rice seeds during storage, harvested in different phases of ripening. The solution of any scientific problem is based on the information available in the publications about the current state of the research object. The results of a bibliometric analysis of an array of open access publications in the field of "seed conservation" according to the abstract and analytical databases of the Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus and Agros (TsNSHB) are presented. The sowing qualities of seeds of 12 Kuban rice varieties of different breeding periods during their storage in contrasting conditions are discussed. Showing genotypic differences in rice varieties in the deterioration of seed germination during their storage for 2 and 8 years in controlled and uncontrolled conditions. The evaluation of seed germination of rice varieties showed that after two years of storage, regardless of the temperature regime, the value of the trait decreased slightly. Longer (8 years) storage of seeds led to a decrease in germination to 4-61% for varieties, and under conditions of low temperatures (+4.0оС) it was noted that seeds of the 3rd selection - 45 days after flowering (overmature on the vine) by almost 10% were superior in germination to the seeds of the 1st selection - 30 days after flowering (early). The quality of seeds is determined by a complex of genetic, physiological and biological properties of the variety, but in the process of long-term storage there is a risk of deterioration in sowing qualities due to the harvesting of substandard seeds.
Keywords: Rice, variety, seeds, germination, viability, shelf life, harvesting time, bibliometric analysis.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-97-87-94


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  1. Korotenko Tatyana Leonidovna, PhD in Agriculture, FSBSI "Federal Research Center of Rice".
  2. Garkusha Sergey Valentinovich, DSc in Agriculture, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FSBSI "Federal Research Center of Rice".
  3. Yurchenko Semyon Aleksandrovich, postgraduate student, FSBSI "Federal Research Center of Rice".
  4. Sadovskaya Larisa Leonidovna, head of the department of reference and information services, Federal state budget scientific Institution "State Public Scientific and Technical Library" of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.