Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 97

UDC: 634.23
GSNTI: 68.35.53

Features of generative differentiation cherry buds in the conditions of the North-West Caspian sea

The article presents the results of studying the differentiation of fruit buds of introduced cherry varieties (Dubovochka, Loznovskaya, Lubskaya, Turgenevskaya, Molodezhnaya, Chudo-vishnya) of domestic breeding in the conditions of abiotic stress factors of the sharply continental climate of the Northern Caspian. The control is the zoned variety Dubovochka. In the research region, frequent changes of low temperatures and thaws are observed in winter, which are a good test of the adaptability of cherry varieties to the climatic conditions of the Northwestern Caspian Sea. The nature and degree of winter damage to cherry varieties differed. There was freezing of the base of the kidneys, stamens, pistils, annual shoots, the degree of damage ranged from 2 to 5 points (25.0-95.3%). The conducted studies have shown that not all the studied varieties have a high degree of winter hardiness. The lowest winter hardiness was noted in the early variety Chudo-vishnya (95.3%). The Youth variety showed good winter hardiness, the degree of kidney damage in which was no more than 25%. The aim of the research is to study and establish the timing of differentiation of fruit buds in the sharply continental climate of the Astrakhan region. As a result of observations, it was noted that the differentiation of generative buds begins after the completion of the growth of annual shoots. In the early-ripening culture, organogenesis of flowers occurs in the first decade of June, which indicates a high risk of freezing of this variety in severe winters and with temperature fluctuations in winter. The stage of formation of fruit buds in the Chudo-vishnya variety came 6 days earlier than the control Dubovochka variety. In the rest of the studied varieties, the stage of kidney formation was completed simultaneously with the control. Thus, the stage of organogenesis of the laying of flower tubercles before the appearance of the ovary cavity and anthers averaged 137-141 days.
Keywords: Cherry, variety, hardiness, vegetation, organogenesis.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-97-78-81


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  1. Dronik Anna Alexandrovna, Junior Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Precaspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".