Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 95

UDC: 636.2.082.22
GSNTI: 68.39.01, 68.39.13, 68.39.19

Dependence of Holstein cows breed use on linear affiliation

Along with productivity, fertility and viability of cows are the main characteristics that determine the profitability of milk production and the establishment of origin influence on these characteristics is becoming more and more relevant in the selection of Holstein cattle. The research was carried out on the basis of a breeding farm for black-and-white Holstein cattle of Agro-Soyuz LLC in the Chegemsky District of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic. The technology of maintenance is loose, with year-round feeding of the same type, milking on the milking machine "Carousel-50". It was found that with age, according to the results of the second lactation, the ranks of distribution by milk yield of cows of different lines changed somewhat. For this age group, the highest milk yield of 9896.1 kg was obtained from cows of the Reflection Sovering line, however, the difference with the peers of the Vis Back Ideal line was 38.1 kg, the Montwick Chieftain line was 69.8 kg and in both cases turned out to be insignificant and unreliable. The increase in milk yield with age according to these groups was, respectively, +1053.6 (Vis Back Ideal line); +1101.3 (Reflection Sovering line) and +2420.8 (Montwick Chieftain Line). Regardless of the origin, the proportion of cows of different ages in the herd structure varies dramatically and has a pronounced downward trend with age. So, out of 582 cows, the proportion of first heifers was 50.2%, cows of the II calving - 34.2%, III calving - 9.1%, IV - 2.1%, and V calving - 1.4 percent. According to the results of the first lactation, the first heifers of the Vis Back Ideal and Reflection Sovering lines were characterized by the highest milk yield, which significantly exceeded the peers of the Montwick Chieftain line, respectively, by 1398.9 kg and 1389.3 kg. However, for the second lactation, these differences were insignificant and unreliable for all groups. Among the cows of three calves and older, there was not a single head of the Montwick Chieftain line, for the other two lines, a slight decrease in milk yields was noted (by 53.1 kg) on the Reflection Sovering line and by 456.2 kg on the Vis Back Ideal line cows. In the future, this trend continues. According to the research results, the content of older age groups is ineffective.
Keywords: Holstein black-motley breed, linear affiliation, productivity, age-related variability, duration of use.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-95-195-198


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  1. Khuranov Alan Mukhadinovich, PhD in Veterinary, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov".
  2. Gukezhev Vladimir Mitsakhovich, DSc in Veterinary, professor, Institute of Agriculture of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.