Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 100

UDC: 631.52:633.18
GSNTI: 68.75.13

Modification of the method of fixing the heterosis effect

In contrast to the previously published methods of fixing the heterosis effect, the effect of high temperatures is proposed during the flowering period as a method of rejecting low-productive families and identifying families that are genetically the most balanced. Exposure to high temperatures can eliminate genes that reduce productivity and adaptability in splitting generations of heterotic hybrids. It is one of the variants of gamete selection (nonspecific stress), since it causes a significant increase in the emptiness of samples, hence the death of both female and male gametes. Selection using temperature stress during the flowering phase increases the stability of samples, and the elimination from the population of individuals with genes that reduce viability. The method is for use in agriculture. Purpose: to use the heterosis effect in the production of agricultural crops without the annual labor-intensive production of hybrid seeds. The heterosis of hybrids manifests itself only in the first generation, since in subsequent generations the complex of favorable acting genes is among the descendants, and ineffectively acting or reducing productivity genes (semi-lethal genes) are manifested in the hybrids in a recessive state. The preservation of the complex of genes that determine heterosis and the removal of semi-lethal genes from the genotype of a heterotic hybrid will allow consolidation of the heterosis effect in subsequent generations. Our studies have shown that exposure to high temperatures (35-400 C, depending on the genotype) can be used to eliminate genes that reduce productivity and adaptability in splitting generations of heterotic hybrids. To recreate the complex of favorable genes of the original hybrid, we propose to use hybridization of contrasting highly productive samples (obtained after exposure to high temperatures) of one hybrid combination. At the last stage, when obtaining highly productive hybrids after exposure to high temperatures, it is recommended to use an anther culture to accelerate homozygotization of the sample, it is also possible to combine two methods of genotype purification (using high temperatures and anther culture) of heterotic hybrids to consolidate the heterotic effect.
Keywords: Breeding, anthers culture, digaploids, heterosis hybrids, heterosis effect.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-100-97-104


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  1. Goncharova Julia Konstantinovna, DSc in Biology, head of the Laboratory, FSBScI "FScC of rice"; LLC "Aratai".
  2. Kharitonov Evgeny Mikhailovich, DSc in Sociologi, professor, Аcademician of the RAS, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  3. Vereshchagina Svetlana Andreevna, researcher, FSBScI "FNС of rice".
  4. Simonova Victoria Vasilievna, PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher, FSBScI "FNС of rice".