Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 100

UDC: 631.155:339.972
GSNTI: 06.51.65

Development of export activities in the agro-industrial complex Altai Territory

The orientation of the agricultural products export of the Altai Territory to the target indicators of the regional project "Export of agricultural products" sets itself the goal of increasing the volume of exports by creating a new commercial mass of agricultural products, an export-oriented commodity distribution infrastructure, eliminating trade barriers to ensure access of agricultural products to target markets. The goal is to identify and justify promising areas for the development of export activities in the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Territory. The study used general scientific (scientific abstraction, inductive, deductive, comparative analysis) and special approaches and methods. The research methodology is based on the application of a systematic, comprehensive and program-targeted approach to substantiating the prospects for the development of exports of agricultural products of the Altai Territory. The structure of exports is analyzed in value and physical terms, as well as by directions of supply. Systematic work is being carried out to develop the agricultural products export. The results of the events were the support of current and the launch of new promising cooperation projects and the promotion of products to the markets of foreign countries, the conclusion of foreign economic contracts. A number of negative factors can be singled out: the remoteness of the region from large sales markets and high transport costs. However, measures of state support implemented at the federal level contribute to lowering barriers to export activity: subsidies to Russian organizations to compensate for part of the costs of transporting agricultural and food products by land, including by rail, and a special program aimed at reducing the costs of certification of agricultural products. The paper substantiates promising directions for the development of export activities in the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Territory.
Keywords: Export, agricultural products, subsidies, government support, food security, food system, costs, target indicators, agro-industrial complex.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-100-60-69


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  1. Minenko Alexey Vasilievich, PhD in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE Altai State Agrarian University.
  2. Khorunzhin Maxim Gennadievich, PhD in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE Altai State Agrarian University.
  3. Seliverstov Maxim Vladimirovich, senior lecturer, FSBEI HE Altai State Agrarian University.
  4. Vodyasov Pavel Vladimirovich, PhD in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE Altai State University.