Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 100

UDC: 633.31/37+632.952
GSNTI: 68.37.31, 68.37.07, 68.37.13

Infection of spring wheat varieties seed organs with soil phytopatogenes

The purpose of the work was to assess the influence of varieties and year conditions on the infection of the spring wheat generative organs with phytopathogens. The studies were carried out in 2020-2022 in the northern forest-steppe of the Ob region on a collection of 11 varieties with different geographical origin according to generally accepted methods. The data obtained indicate the relative stability of the mycocenosis of grains and ears stems of spring wheat varieties over the years. Significant varietal differences were revealed in the infection of seeds with phytopathogens, which manifests itself in weather conditions close to average long-term data. For Bipolaris sorokiniana, varietal differences reached 25.2 times, for Fusariumfungi - from 0 to 96.7%, for Alternariafungi - from 0 to 80%. The power of varieties influence on the prevalence of phytopathogens was statistically significant at the 5% level. The micromyceteslocalization in the seed organs of the varieties indicates the specific association of phytopathogens with the tissues of the endosperm or embryo. Early, during the period of ear laying, infection with F. poae, F. oxysporum, F. sporotrichioides, and B. sorokiniana of the ears stems and grains primordia indicates a high probability of the phytopathogensspread through plant vessels. Detailed studies of the interspecific relationships of micromycetes isolated from the generative organs of spring wheat indicate pairwise competition, which varies from weak to very strong. A scoring scale has been developed to assess the level of manifestation of competitive relations. The scale takes into account the degree of mutual limitation of the colonies radial growth rate, changes in the shape, nature of growth and pigmentation of colonies, the presence and width of the lysiszone between colonies during the joint species cultivation, etc.
Keywords: Spring wheat, variety, phytopathogen, seeds, grain organ, interspecific relationships.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-100-185-192


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  1. Toropova Elena Yurevna, DSc in Biology, Professor, head of laboratory, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk State Agrarian University"; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Saince "Russian Federal Research Institute of Phytopathology".
  2. Vorob’eva Irina Gennad’evna, DSc in Biology, professor, senior researcher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk State Agrarian University"; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Saince "Russian Federal Research Institute of Phytopathology".
  3. Kazakova Olga Aleksandrovna, PhD in Biology, researcher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk State Agrarian University"; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Saince "Russian Federal Research Institute of Phytopathology".
  4. Grishin Vasily Mikhaylovich, PhD in Agriculture, researcher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk State Agrarian University"; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Saince "Russian Federal Research Institute of Phytopathology".
  5. Piskarev V’acheslav Vasilevich, PhD in Agriculture, head of laboratory, The Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics the Siberian Branch of the RAS.