Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 338.242
GSNTI: 06.35.51

Development and implementation of digital services to support business processes of an agricultural enterprise

Processing of primary documentation has always been a rather time-consuming and routine operation. Thanks to modern digital technologies, an employee only needs to scan or photograph documents, and a special program recognizes the contents of paper pages, checks and compares the information, and then automatically transfers the data to the accounting system. The creators of existing services in this area actively promote them and promise effective work without tedious manual data entry, errors and failures. The convenience of installing the program, the ease of use and accessibility of the interface, the quality of technical support, the breadth of application, additional functions and the cost of using services are fundamental. Thus, the best proposal for solving this problem is the development and implementation of a digital service for managing the process of processing primary documentation based on the existing information system of the enterprise. The purpose of the study is to determine the need for the use of modern digital technologies in ensuring the document flow of an agricultural enterprise, as well as the development of an IT service to support the business process of processing primary documentation. Business modeling with the use of popular tools, as well as the formalization of conceptual requirements for the automation of the functional composition of the studied subject area were chosen as research methods. The authors justified the use of digital technologies to support the documentation lifecycle, reviewed existing IT services, conducted business modeling of the subject area, determined the functional composition of the solution and developed a digital service to support the business process of processing primary documentation of an agricultural enterprise.
Keywords: Agricultural enterprise, digital service, document management, primary documentation, development, business process.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-82-88


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  1. Yakhontova Irina Mikhailovna, Phd in Economics, associate professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  2. Kiriy Vladimir Alexandrovich, Phd in physical and mathematical, associate professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.