Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 633.11(476)
GSNTI: 68.37.05

Assessingthe phytosanitary state of the iris collection of the N.V. Bagrov Botanical Garden

As a result of the research and study of the species composition of phytotrophicmicromycetes on Iris hybrida Hort were discovered 5 species of pathogenic fungi belonging to the class of Deuteromycetes, the most common of which is the fungus Heterosporium gracile, that causes heterosporia. Anatomical and morphological study of leaves affected by heterosporiosis showed that at the place of introduction of heterosporium are formed necrotic zones that reduce the decorative effect of the plant. Assessment of the susceptibility of the studied varieties revealed a different degree of damage to the leaves, which varies from 5 to 50%, causing a decrease in their decorative effect. We have noted the varieties most affected by heterosporiosis, with a degree of damage to leaf blades from 25 to 50%. These are 2 varieties from the group of low-growing irises (Lace Caper, Lilli-Bright) and 14 varieties from the group of tall ones (Blue Staccato, Crystal Glitters, Deep Fire, Fiesta Time, Going My Way, Gypsy Caravan, Latin Lover, Mary Frances, Olympiс Сhallenge, Pink Taffeta, Piping Hot, Royal Satin, Sultan's Palace, Ultrapoise). Among the pests that also damage leaves and flowers were noted the cruciferous flea beetle (Phyllotretanigripes F.) and the beetle shaggy bronze (Tropinotahirta P.) By comparative assessment of varieties for resistance to diseases and pests observed in the conditions of the Piedmont Crimea were revealed 42 highly resistant varieties, 11 of them are undersized, 2 are medium-sized and 29 are high varieties. As a result of the research, there were developed practical recommendations for controlling the level of harmfulness of pathogens and preserving the decorative qualities of plants.
Keywords: Iridarium, heterosporium disease, N.V. Bagrov Botanical Garden.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-203-206


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  1. Reshetnikova Larisa Fedorovna, PhD in Biology, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky”.