Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 91

UDC: 581.2:631.5:632.4.01:632.934:632.952
GSNTI: 68.37.13, 68.37.31

Demonstration tests of fungicides in the protection of rice crops from blast in the Krasnodar Territory

One of the main limiting factors for obtaining stable high-quality crops is rice diseases. Phytopathological examinations show that in the rice-growing areas of the Krasnodar Territory, pathogens of such diseases as pyriculariosis, fusariosis, ascochitosis, alternariosis, rhizoctoniosis, helminthosporiosis are constantly present on rice crops. The dominant position in the phytopathogenic complex of rice in the Krasnodar Territory is occupied by pyriculariosis caused by the hemibiotrophic fungus Pyricularia Oryzae Cavara. The main reasons for the spread and harmfulness of this disease are: the use of intensive varieties, the use of increased doses of nitrogen fertilizers, growth regulators, unjustified increase in seed sowing rates, violation of rice cultivation techniques. Agricultural techniques reduce the level of harmfulness of the disease, but do not fully protect crops. To combat pyriculariosis widely used chemical action. Currently, the leading position is occupied by systemic fungicides, which are characterized by high biological activity and long-term protective action. It should be noted that the range of fungicides used is extremely scarce. Currently, the following fungicides are allowed for use in the fight against pyriculariosis: Vintage ME 0.8-1.0 l/ha, Vinzit, CS 1.5-2.0 kg/ha, Kolosal, 25% CE - 0.75-1.0 l/ha, Favorit, CE - 0.75-1.25 l/ha, Impact, SC - 1.0 l/ha, Amistar Trio, CE - 1.0-1.5 l/ha, Amistar Top, SC - 0.8-1.0 l/ha, Ikarus, In CE - 0.75 l/ha. Therefore, often farms use fungicides used against diseases on dry crops, which are not tested to combat pyriculariosis and are ineffective at known consumption rates. The necessity of expanding the list of drugs used to combat pyriculariosis is justified. The article presents the results of the 2020 study on the demonstration test of the fungicides Misteria, ME, Azorro, CS, Benazol, SP, Capella ME, Metamil, MC, Titul Duo, KKR on rice crops.
Keywords: Rice, variety, pyriculariosis, resistance, pathogen, immunological characteristics, agricultural technology.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-91-41-45


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  1. Bragina Olesya Anatol'yevna, Phd in Biology, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center of Rice".
  2. Krasovsky Dmitry Gennadiyevich, Senior Scientific Consultant, Joint-stock Company "Shchelkovo Agrochem".