Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 91

UDC: 630*.1
GSNTI: 06.01.05

Genotype-environment interaction and breeding of Pinus sylvestris L. for drought and stress resistance

The life cycle of Pinus sylvestris L. was traced from the laying of generative organs to the natural death of forest ecosystems. It is shown that each generation of forest passes by turns all the variants of combinations genotypic and modificational variability, and interactions with the environment (substrate and climate). The preservation of species norm, genetic diversity and resilience is the main principle of its organization in successive generations. The patterns that characterize the cyclical changes in the genotypic composition and the genotype-environment interaction (GEI) in the course of stages and in the time of their replacement are described. During microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis (stage 1), the development stability of sporogenous cells (male, female) ensures the homeostasis of mother tree and the microclimate inside the buds. The gametogenesis and embryogenesis beginning (stages 2-3) is associated with expansion of the genotypic variability of male and female gametes, embryos, and natural selection in the course of stages leads to its narrowing. At the ontogenesis beginning, the modificational variability of seedlings increases, and in the process of population formation it decreases. The GEI connection with nucellus, endosperm and soil substrate increases in the course of stages and in the time of their replacement has weakened. The morphological effect of GEI connections is manifested on the contrasting ecological conditions (drought, cretaceous soils) at the inter-population, intra-population, and organism levels. The GEI role for adaptive selection and fieldworks on the detection of drought-resistant and stress-resistant populations and valuable pine genotypes is discussed.
Keywords: Scots pine, genetic diversity, genotype-environment interaction, resilience, adaptive selection.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-91-181-186


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  1. Kuznetsova Nina Fedorovna, PhD in Biology, ed. scientific. employee, head. lab. ecological genetics, The Federal State Budget Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology”.