Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 88


Vasiliev V.P., Belikova A.V.,

Trends in the development of agricultural organizations in the region (P. 5-13)

Komlatsky G.V., Makarova T.V.,

The arising risks during the implementation of public-private partnership projects (P. 14-19)

Larkina N.I., Romanova N.K., Salomatin V.A.,

Scientific and economic features of end-to end agricultural and food technologies creation for tobacco products production (P. 20-25)

Snimshchikova I.V.,

Imbalances in the consumer market as a result of Russian population living standards falling (P. 26-29)

Prudnikov A.G., Pavelko Y.A.,

Traditional methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of fixed assets and its improvement (P. 30-37)

Reznichenko S.M., Tyupakov K.E., Mikhailov A.E.,

Methodological features of assessing food security level (P. 38-43)

Snimschikova I.V., Chugaeva J.A.,

State anti-crisis department as a factor of supporting AIC (P. 44-49)

Shevkunenko M.Y.,

Food security in Russia in the context of genetically modified products expansion (P. 50-54)


Antsupova T.E., Syrbu A.A.,

Effect of food substrate on the survival rate of the predatory bug Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (P. 55-61)

Garkusha S.V., Tesheva S.A., Pischenko D.A., Polishchuk V.I.,

On the development of elements of weeding-free technology for growing rice seeds (P. 62-66)

Devyatkin A.M., Belyi A.I., Levychenkova A.A.,

Entomophages-predators of pests of alfalfa agrocenoses of Kuban Region (P. 67-73)

Doroshenko T.N., Ryazanova L.G., Kislyakova E.S.,

Possibilities of using silatranes to stabilize apple trees fruiting under temperature stressors and anomalies of the summer-autumn period in south Russia (P. 74-78)

Knyazeva D.B., Shkhagapsoeva Z.Z., Knyazev B.M.,

Soybean seed yield formation depending on the plant standing density (P. 79-83)

Kravchenko R.V., Matuzok N.V., Darensky D.S.,

Formation of productivity elements of the Saperavi variety grapes on the background of lignogumates action (P. 84-88)

Makarenko A.A., Bardak N.I., Magomedtagirov A.A.,

Basic tillage system influence on the density of leached chernozem in the central Krasnodar Territory zone (P. 89-96)

Pikushova E.A., Shadrina L.A., Dolbilova T.A.,

Mycromycetes number dynamics in winter wheat rhizosphere depending on organic and mineral fertilizers application on leached chernozem of Western Ciscaucasia (P. 97-104)

Polous V.S., Osaulenko S.N., Stepanov S.P.,

Common chernozem processing methods and techniques influence on the humus balance in crop rotation: oil flax - winter wheat - mogar peas (P. 105-110)

Khomitskyi E.E., Zamotajlov A.S., Savenkova D.S., Milovanov A.V., Belyi A.I.,

Design of the molecular markers to identify the higher taxonomic ranks of insects inhabiting agrocoenoses of the Krasnodar Territory (Insecta) (P. 111-119)

Sysenko I.S., Novoseletsky S.I., Fomenko T.V., Kondratiev S.V., Bogdanov V.N., Chernukhina E.S., Bobrov V.V., Strelnikov I.Y.,

Economic and bioenergy efficiency of growing winter wheat depending on various agrotechnologies on leached black earth in the conditions of Kuban Region (P. 119-124)


Burmenskaya G.A., Monastyreva A.N., Stepanenko A.V.,

Baitril drug effectiveness in calves’ gastroenterocolitis complex therapy (P. 125-129)

Goncharov V.D., Balakirev N.A., Selina M.V.,

Pork export - the driver of Russian livestock economy (P. 130-134)

Grin V.A., Rogaleva E.V., Semenenko M.P., Kuzminova E.V., Koshchaev A.G.,

Correlation dependence of selenium deficiency in the pathogenesis of liver diseases (P. 135-140)

Soldatenko N.A., Drobin Y.D., Bokun E.A., Chernykh O.Y., Krivonos R.A., Lysenko A.A., Bazyk A.D.,

Mycotoxins in young animals and birds organs when eating mycotoxins contaminated food (P. 141-147)

Urban G.A.,

Pubertate formation in repair pigs using natural metabolites (P. 148-156)

Koschaev A.G., Luneva A.V., Boyko A.A., Shantyz A.K., Lifentsova M.N., Yakovets M.G., Neverova O.P.,

Evaluation of productivity and quality of broiler chicken meat in the study of pharmacological properties of a new feed additive (P. 157-164)