Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 86

UDC: 579.63
GSNTI: 68.41.35

Monitoring of ecological-epizootic situation according to natural-focal diseases on the territory of Stavropol town

The urgency of the study is determined by instability of epidemical situation with natural-focal infections in the Stavropol Teritory. The results of monitoring the ecological-epizootic situation with natural-focal diseases on the territory of Stavropol town during 2017-2019 are presented in the work. The monitoring includes the sanitary-hygienic state of Holodny and Koryto springs, Komsomolsky pond, Zhelobovka and Mytnyanka rivers, sanitary-hygienic condition of residential and recreational areas of Stavropol, as well as epizootic situation with natural-focal diseases in the town. Microbiological analysis of water was carried out in accordance with 4.2.1884-04 "Sanitary-microbiological and sanitary-parasitological analysis of water of surface water bodies» guidelines for such indexes as: general microbe number, general coliform bacteria, thermotolerant coliform bacteria and spores of sulphite reducing clostridia. Sanitary-hygienic state of residential and recreational areas of Stavropol was evaluated on the basis of reports of the town administration in the sphere of housing and communal services «Improvement and sanitary cleaning of the Stavropol town territory" for the years 2017-2019, as well as on the basis of Stavropol municipal unitary enterprise "FAUN" data for the years 2017-2019. The analysis of epizootic situation with natural-focal diseases in Stavropol was carried out on the basis of reports of veterinary clinic №1. According to the results of microbiological study of water reservoirs satisfactory state of Holodny, Koryto springs, Komsomolsky pond and significant exceeding of indexes of general microbe number, general coliform bacteria and thermotolerant coliform bacteria in Mytnyanka and Zhelobovka rivers can be noted. Sanitary-hygienic state of residential and recreational areas in general corresponds to normative requirements. Epizootic situation with natural-focal diseases in Stavropol town is satisfactory. Nevertheless, there are preconditions for emergence of enzooties of natural-focal diseases, as a result of climatic peculiarities, natural-geographic conditions, presence of animals that are carriers of infections, and mechanisms of transmission of an agent to susceptible animals and to human.
Keywords: Monitoring, ecological-epizootic situation, natural-focal diseases, surface water reservoirs, recreation areas, sanitary evaluation, microbiological study.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-86-146-150


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  1. Gandraburova Nadezhda Ivanovna, associate professor, Phd in Biology, Institute of live systems, North-Caucasus federal university.
  2. Harina Elena Ivanovna, associate professor, Phd in Biology, Institute of live systems, North-Caucasus federal university.
  3. Kovalyova Irina Arkadyevna, associate professor, Phd in Biology, Institute of live systems, North-Caucasus federal university.
  4. Ryabokoneva Darya Sergeyevna, master's, Institute of live systems, North-Caucasus federal university.