Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 630*4(632.9)
GSNTI: 68.47.37

Seed pests and diseases of the forest tree plants in Russia. 1. Introduction. Insect pests

The most notable pests and diseases of fruits (and cones) and seeds of the forest conifers and deciduous wood plants of Russia in the modern period (including wild fruit crops, found mainly in the forests of the Caucasus) are cited. The biological and ecological features of the development of harmful organisms, the mechanisms of their damage to fruits and seeds are briefly highlighted. A summary of recommendations on pest and disease prevention and control of tree seed is given. The introduction sets out general provisions on infection and plant immunity in relation to the context of publication. The classification of immunity is given, according to N.I. Vavilov. The pathways of infection into plants and seeds, prevention and methods of disease control are highlighted. The first part of the article examines 49 species of insects, which are topical pests of fruits and seeds of forest tree plants. The largest number of pests belongs to the orders Coleoptera (23 species) and Lepidoptera (17 species) and the families of Curculionidae and Tortricidae (11 species each). Many species are adventive pests that have penetrated into the Russian ecosystems with planting material from abroad.
Keywords: Diseases, pests, tree plants, infection, immunity, fruits and seeds, prevention, control measures.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-305-318


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  1. Dolzhenko Viktor Ivanovich, Academician RAS, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Science Institution “All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection”.
  2. Dolzhenko Tatiana Vasilievna, DSc in Biology, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “St.-Petersburg State Agrarian University”.
  3. Plugatar’ Yuriy Vladimirovich, Corr. Member of RAS, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Science Institution “Nikita Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.
  4. Makrushina Evgeniya Mikhailovna, PhD in Agriculture, Assistant Professor, Federal State Budgetary Science Institution “Nikita Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.
  5. Makrushin Nikolay Mikhailovich, Corr. Member of NAAS of Ukraine, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Science Institution “Nikita Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.
  6. Zamotajlov Alexandr Sergeevich, DSc in Biology, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  7. Belyi Alexandr Ivanovich, PhD in Agriculture, Assistant Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.