Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 58.084.1
GSNTI: 68.35.43, 68.03.03

Influence of the storage periods and application of growth regulators on seeding qualities of medicinal vervain seeds (Verbena officinalis L.)

The largest average mass of seeds of Verbena officinalis L. is observed when they are harvested in 2019. It significantly exceeds by 27,0-34,0% the same indicator for seeds collected in previous years. The seeds of medicinal vervain remain viable for up to 6 years when stored in paper bags, at the temperature + 18,0-22,0оC. The oldest seeds were collected in 2013 (7 years of storage), in almost all variants, germinated in a shorter period of time, within 11-17 days. In fresher seeds (one year of storage), a more extended germination was observed. When using Zircon and Epin-Extra, germination begins 2-3 days earlier than in the control. All growth regulators on seeds of 2013, 2017, and 2018 years of collection increased the period of their germination, in relation to the control, by 3-7 days. A significant increase in the germination energy of medicinal vervain seeds, of all studied storage periods, was noted only when using Zircon and Epin-Extra. Moreover, with a decrease in the shelf life of seeds, the influence of Zircon and Epin-Extra on their germination energy increases. So if in seeds of the 7th year of storage, they increase this indicator by 43,0-79,0%, then in fresher last year seeds the germination energy increases in tens times. The use of the growth regulators: Ribav-Extra, Zircon, Epin-Extra and Succinic acid preparations allows increasing germination and germination energy of seeds stored for 1-6 years, in most cases. Using of Zircon growth regulator, which increases their germination to 94,0%, and germination energy to 84,0%, turned out to be the most effective for medicinal vervain seeds.
Keywords: Seeds, germinating, germinating energy, Verbena officinalis L, growth regulators, Ribav-Extra, Zircon, Epin-Extra, Succinic acid.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-279-283


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  1. Tsitsilin Andrey Nikolaevich, Phd in Biology, Head of Laboratory of Botanical Garden, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All Russian Research Institute Medicinal and Aromatic Plants".
  2. Kondrateva Tatyana Nikolaevna, Senior Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All Russian Research Institute Medicinal and Aromatic Plants".