Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 634.1: 631.52
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Ways to increase the competitiveness of domestic apple grades

Results of long-term studying of the grades and elite forms of an apple-tree (Malus x domestica Borkh.) a different ploidnost growing in the conditions of the South of Russia are presented. The aim of the study is the accelerated creation of high-quality scab immune grades and elite forms of apple trees of different ripening periods. The work uses generally accepted and modern programs and methods of selection and variety studies. The prospects of using the improved polyploidy method based on the modification of the method of return crosses in breeding for scab immunity by using a polyploid grade as a recurrent parent at each subsequent backcross are shown to be promising in order to create a competitive domestic adaptive apple grade. According to the results of many years of research (2015-2019), it was found that in the group of summer ripening period, higher average productivity of the elite form is 12/1-20-34 (24,48 t/ha); among winter ones - among the elite 12/2-21-56 (27,30 t/ha) and Orphei grade (26,36 t/ha). Among the scab immune grades and elite forms, the most productive genotypes were distinguished (average yield - 24,45-27,30 t/ha; total yield - 122,25-136,50 t/ha): diploids (2n=2x=34) of winter ripening period: Orphei, Granatovoe, 12/2-21-56 and summer 12/1-20-34; 12/1-21-45 - triploid (2n=3x=51). The elite form 12/2-21-56, immune to scab, with a late flowering period, with large fruits (average weight up to 238 g), green color, high, is selected as a valuable source material for selection for combining the signs of high adaptability, productivity and quality of fruits, taste advantages (tasting assessment of the taste of fruits 4,6-4,7 points).
Keywords: Grade, apple-tree, selection, immunity, scab, polyploidy.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-255-259


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  1. Ulyanovskaya Elena Vladimirovna, Dr. Sci. Agr., Head. Laboratory for Variety Studies and Selection of Garden Crops, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making".
  2. Belenko Evgeniya Anatolyevna, Ph D student, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making".