Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 635.657
GSNTI: 68.35.31

Seed productivity of some varieties of Cicer arietinum under conditions of the steppe Crimea

Chickpea is one of the annual legume crops that is the most tolerant to heat, drought and dry winds phenomena, as well as to diseases and pests. In the Crimea, in conditions of acute shortage of precipitation and due to its biological characteristics Cicer arietinum is one of the most appropriate crops for cultivation. To increase crop yields, it is necessary to use high-yielding varieties adapted to local soil and climatic conditions. Scientists and farmers face a number of challenges: reduce the dependence of crop yields from environmental factors; improve qualitative indicators of produced chickpeas; reduce production costs; increase the profitability of production. In many aforementioned challenges, the solution lies in the choice of varieties. To study adaptive features and identify the productivity potential of chickpea, an ecological study was carried on the experimental field of the FSBSI “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea” in 2016-2018. The subject of study was the chickpea varieties bred in different agricultural institutions; these varieties had never been cultivated in the Crimea before. As a result of three-year observations, the reaction of varieties to weather conditions was established, high-yielding varieties were identified and evaluated from the economic point of view. According to their morphological characteristics, all the studied varieties meet the production requirements: plant height - 54 to 60 cm, first pod height - 27 to 38 cm (these indicators are important for harvesting). The mass of grain from one plant was in the range of 5.53-8.83 g; the best according to this indicator was variety ZolotoyYubiley (8.83 g). Weather conditions greatly influenced the productivity of chickpea varieties. The most favorable in weather conditions was 2017; the yield of chickpea varieties varied from 1.53 to 1.75 t/ha. In 2018 (an extremely arid year), the yield was 0.6-1.12 t/ha. On average, for three years of research, varieties Vector, ZolotoyYubiley and Zavolzhsky were the best in yield (1.41 t/ha, 1.27 t/ha, 1.26 t/ha, respectively). They were bred in the “Krasnokutskaya Breeding Experimental Station” of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the South-East. Each of the studied varieties can successfully occupy a significant area in the agricultural production of the Crimea.
Keywords: Variety, Cicer arietinum, productivity, weather conditions, yield, characteristics.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-208-213


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  1. Ptashnik Olga Pavlovna, senior researcher of the Laboratory of seed growing and strain investigation of new genotypes, FSBSI “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea”.