Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 633.85:631:526.32
GSNTI: 68.35.37, 68.35.03

Evaluation of varieties mustard of Sarepta in the conditions of forest-steppe Middle Volga Region

The article presents an assessment of the productivity of varieties mustard of Sarepta in the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga. The studies were conducted in 2017-2019. The object of research was mustard of Sarepta varieties domestic selection Yunona, Lyuks, Nika, Donskaya 8 and Rosinka. In 2017, the mustard growing season proceeded under conditions of moderate moisture (GTK-0,98), in 2018 in arid (GTK-0,42) and in 2019 in moderately arid conditions (GTK-0,81). On average, in 2017-2019, the yield of mustard varieties varied from 1,59 to 1,70 t/ha. The maximum yield was observed in the varieties Lyuks and Yunona - 1,69 and 1,71 t/ha, respectively. Oil content of seeds varied from 42,1% in the variety Nika to 44,7% in the variety Donskaya 8. All varieties formed large and aligned seeds, the weight of 1000 seeds was 3,34-3,68 g. The largest seeds were in varieties Yunona and Rosinka - 3,63 and 3,68 g, respectively. In the Penza region, there was a slight accumulation of erucic acid up to 1,63-3,35 %, depending on the variety. The highest content of oleic and linoleic acids was observed in the Yunona variety of 40,69% and 28,08%, respectively. The total accumulation of saturated acids was greatest in the cultivars of Nika and Yunona (4,32-4,58%) at 3,37-3,46% in other varieties. Due to the high content of oleic acid (21,48-40,69%) and the low content of erucic acid (1,63-3,35%), all varieties have the possibility of multifaceted use of oil seeds for both food and technical purposes.
Keywords: Mustard of Sarepta, varieties, productivity, oil content, fatty acids, crop structure.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-203-208


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  1. Prakhova Tatyana Yakovlevna, DSc in Agriculture, Chief Researcher, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops".
  2. Prakhov Vladimir Alexandrovich, 1st category research engineer, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops".