Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 633.854.78+631.53.01
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Model calculation of cost of the license agreement for the production of sunflower seeds in the Russian Federation

A well-developed system of seed production is the most important condition for increasing the efficiency of crop production. Seed growing is a branch of agricultural science and agricultural production aimed at providing the economy with high-quality seeds of cultivated crops. Data analysis reports of branches of the Rosselkhoz Center on the quality of sunflower seeds for the harvest 2008-2019 year revealed that the seed production of native varieties and hybrids of sunflower on the territory of the Russian Federation is underdeveloped, has a low rate of variety change and variety renewal. The structure of the varietal composition of sown seeds of sunflower differs widely according to the Federal districts. Everywhere, except in the Central Federal district, and especially in the territory of the Ural and Siberian Federal districts, a significant share of crops is occupied by non-grade sunflower seeds. In production there is a high proportion of varietal seeds mass reproductions. In the Central, North Caucasus, Southern and Volga Federal districts, sowing is mainly carried out with foreign-selected seeds. The share of foreign-selected seeds imported from abroad continues to increase, and at the moment the average for the country is almost 50,0 %.Despite a significant number of varieties and hybrids included in State Register of Breeding Achievements, the varietal resource is not used effectively enough [2]. To solve the existing problems, it is necessary to objectively search for new principles and forms of organization, increase the competitiveness and economic efficiency of domestic plant breeding and seed production.The article analyzes the possibility of using calculation methods for the cost of a license agreement for new varieties of sunflower.
Keywords: Selection, sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) variety, seeds, patent holder, the protection of varieties, royalties, license agreement.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-142-147


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  1. Malko Alexander Mikhailovich, Dr. S.-kh. Sciences, DSc in Agriculture, Director, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Agricultural Center”.
  2. Androsova Olesia Viktorovna, Head of Seed Services, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Agricultural Center”.