Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 633.853.494:631.53
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Status and prospects of zonal seed production of spring rape in different regions of the Russian Federation

The paper presents the results of a study of the production area, conditions for the formation of the quality and yield of spring rape seeds in various regions of the Russian Federation. A study of the available data showed that the production area of spring rape occupy vast areas in the Russian Federation. Of the twelve soil-climatic zones available in the Russian Federation, spring rape is cultivated in nine of them. Most of it is grown in the West Siberian, Central, Volga-Vyatka and East Siberian regions, from where the most significant number of analyzed samples was obtained to determine the quality of seeds. The area of its distribution in the country has wide borders: from west to east from the Bryansk region (Central region) to the Tomsk region (West Siberian region), and from the South to the North-East - from the Krasnodar Territory (North Caucasus region) to the Trans-Baikal Territory (East Siberian region). Differences in this space according to the limits of average daily temperature fluctuations range from 1,6 to 11,6оC, and the amount of annual precipitation ranges from 352 to 712 mm. According to the yield and quality of spring rape seeds, the regions can be divided into 2 groups: the first with high productivity and the second with lower productivity. The highest yields took place in the following regions: North Caucasus - 20.0 c/ha; Medium-Volga - 16,6 c/ha; Central Chernozem - 15,7 c/ha and Central - 14,5 c/ha on average over 5 years. Seed quality in these areas was also high. For example, the germination energy had the following fluctuation range from 81,0% to 90,0%, laboratory germination - 87,0-93,0%. The second group includes all other regions in which the yield of spring rape is lower and the quality of the seeds is much worse than in the first group. It should also be considered that the main principle for identifying the optimal zones of seed production for spring rape is the type of seed crop: 1st - high yield, high quality of seeds; 2nd - high yield, low seed quality; 3rd - low yield, high seed quality; 4th - low yield, low seed quality. Consequently, seed production must be organized on farms with the 1st type of crop (optimal zone of seed production) and on farms with the 3rd type (zone of permissible seed production). Also, in the group with the 3rd type of farms, it is imperative to take effective measures to improve the technology of growing crops, which will significantly improve the possibility of increasing the yield of spring rape seeds.
Keywords: Spring rape, area, region, productivity, sowing properties of seeds, types of yield.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-129-141


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  1. Lukomets Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, DSc in Agriculture, Acad. RAS, Director, Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Federal scientific center" all-Russian research Institute of oilseeds named after V. S. Pustovoit».
  2. Gridnev Alexey Kuzmich, DSc in Agriculture, Leading Scientific Researcher, Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Federal scientific center" all-Russian research Institute of oilseeds named after V. S. Pustovoit».
  3. Gorlova Lyudmila Anatolyevna, Phd in Agriculture, Head of the Department, Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Federal scientific center" all-Russian research Institute of oilseeds named after V. S. Pustovoit».
  4. Makrushina Evgenia Mikhailovna, Phd in Agriculture, Associate Professor; Laboratory of seed production, Federal state budgetary institution of science "Order of the red banner of Labor Nikitsky Botanical garden - national scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
  5. Makrushin Nikolay Mikhailovich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Corr. member of NAAS of Ukraine, Chief researcher of the laboratory of seed production; Laboratory of seed production, Federal state budgetary institution of science "Order of the red banner of Labor Nikitsky Botanical garden - national scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
  6. Naumenko Tatyana Sergeevna, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of seed production, Federal state budgetary institution of science "Order of the red banner of Labor Nikitsky Botanical garden - national scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".