Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 84

UDC: 581.2:631.5:631.526.32633.18:631.559:631.84:632:633.18
GSNTI: 68.35.03, 68.35.29, 68.37.31

Resistance of rice varieties to the pathogen pyricularia in differentagroecological conditions of Krasnodar Territory

Among the economically important, dangerous and harmful diseases of rice in all drawing countries, including Russia, the main role is played by pyriculariosis (agent Pyriculariaoryzae Cavara). The problem of resistance of rice plants to disease is one of the main ones in modern breeding of most countries. Intensification of rice cultivation creates in agrocenosis of sowing favorable microclimate for development of piriculariosis and leads to increase of its malevolence. Varieties rapidly lose resistance to new races of the pathogen, as the high spontaneous variability of the M. grisea fungus, its field populations are usually represented by a mixture of races with different virulent and aggressiveness, ahead of the evolution of the host plant. The nature of the manifestation of pyroculariosis depends on the agroclimatic conditions and genotype. The results of studies at VNII Rice OPU and in ESOS Krasnaya showed that clear differentiation of rice varieties by resistance to pyraculariosis and crop properties is possible only when certain (provocative) conditions are created, which contribute to the manifestation of their genetic potential, and the resistance of varieties to pyroculariosis cannot be ensured only by the introduction of a single gene of race-specific resistance. There is obtained a close negative link of yield with the intensity of pyroculariosis development on two backgrounds of mineral nutrition: N-1 - r = -0.93; N-2 - r = -0,95. Determination coefficients show that in 86,8-90,1% cases the yield is due to the intensity of the development of piriculariosis on the crops of the rice varieties studied.
Keywords: Rice, variety, pyriculariosis, resistance, pathogen, agricultural technology, productivity.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-84-95-99


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  1. Bragina Olesya Anatolyevna, Phd in Biology, Federal State Budgetary Scientific institution «Federal rice research center».
  2. Ogly Andrey Mikhailovich, researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific institution «Federal rice research center».