Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 84

UDC: 634.511: 631.53.011: 004.932.2
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Investigation of structural integrity of walnut seeds (Juglans regia L.) from Nikita Botanical Gardens selection by the method ofmicrofocus x-ray radiography technique and computed image images

An X-ray examination of walnut seeds from the collection of the Nikita Botanical Garden was carried out to assess their structural integrity. Digital X-ray images of walnut seeds were obtained using a mobile X-ray diagnostic device PRDU-02 and a DIGORA PCT scanner, magnification index 1x. Analysis of digital X-ray images of seeds was performed using the Argus-BIO software. Within the framework of the study, an adaptive method of analysis of digital X-ray images of walnut seeds has been developed: integral evaluation of digital X-ray image of individual walnut seed sample: allocation of the ROI, thresholding of X-ray image of the seed by brightness, calculation of parameter values; Phase analysis - Automatic allocation of regions corresponding to seed nut kernel and nut-shell total regions (nut kernel + nut-shell). In addition, the weight of the individual seeds on the laboratory weights of the VLTE-150 was evaluated. It has been found that the variation of the sample of walnut seeds by X-ray parameters varies: Projection area in the range of 760 to 983 mm2, Seed length in the range of 32 to 41 mm, Seed width in the range of 27 to 33 mm, Average brightness in the range of 92 to 120 brightness units, Brightness standard deviation in the range from 30 to 50 brightness units, empty space area in the range from 29,0 to 43,0%, seed weight in the range from 11,511 to 17,836 g. Correlations of individual seed weight indices with Average brightness of digital X-ray images, brightness units was revealed: (R = 0,740), relative area of the nut kernel + nut-shell per X-ray projection of the seed, % (r = 0,509) and relative area of empty space per X-ray projection of the seed, % (r = -0,519). The developed adaptive technique of X-ray shooting and analysis of digital X-ray images can serve as an effective tool for rapid assessment of the degree of biological completeness of walnut seeds.
Keywords: Walnut seeds, x-ray radiography analysis of structural integrity, seed image analysis, Nikita Botanical Garden collection.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-84-72-78


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  1. Bazarnova Yuliya Genrikhovna, DSc in Technical, professor, director, FSBEI HE Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
  2. Kuznetsova Tatiana Alekseevna, PhD in Biology, ass. prof, FSBEI HE Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
  3. Priyatkin Nikolay Sergeyevich, Phd in technical, Senior researcher, FSBSI "Agrophysical Research Institute".
  4. Staroverov Nikolay Evgen’evich, graduate student, The First Electrotechnical University “LETI”.
  5. Khokhlov Sergey Yur’evich, Phd in Agriculture, Nikita Botanical Garden - National Research Center RAS.