Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 84

UDC: 634.21:632.4 (470.67)
GSNTI: 68.35.59.

The spread and harmfulness of Moniliosis on apricot trees in the Dagestan

The analysis of the spread in the apricot plantings of fungal disease - moniliosis for the period 2010-2018 in the Inner Mountain, Piedmont and Low-land Dagestan. Phenological observations of flowering, affection of flowering buds, and yield were studied in apricot varieties Krasnoshchekiy, Medunets, Orpheus, Shalakh, Benderskiy ranniy, Untsukulskiy pozdniy, Khonobakh and Seyanets Krasnoshchekogo introduced in the conditions of the city of Makhachkala and carried out in the period 2010-2017. in the collection garden of the peasant farm enterprise in the village of Leninkent (a suburb of Makhachkala). It was shown that massive damage to the buds and even shoots can occur at high air humidity, air temperature above 11оС, precipitation during flowering in the third decade of March and the first decade of April is more than 30 mm. Based on the results and processing of weather data for 18 years for the conditions of the city of Makhachkala, the city of Buynaksk, and s. Botlikh (1998-2016) revealed that the probability of developing moniliosis for the plains and foothills over the years was 44,4%. The influence of precipitation falling in late March and early April, during the apricot flowering period, on the development of moniliosis is statistically significant, and the average daily air temperature does not have such an effect. Under the conditions of the city of Makhachkala, Krasnoshchekiy turned out to be relatively more resistant to moniliosis from the seven studied varieties (28,0% damage). The remaining varieties had more significant damage to the kidneys. Damage to flowers and shoots in some varieties (early Benderskiy ranniy, Medunets, Shalakh) reached 100,0% in some years.
Keywords: Fruit growing zones of Dagestan, apricot, moniliosis, productivity, meteorological data.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-84-66-71


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  1. Asadulaev Zagirbeg Magomedovich, DSc in Biology, Professor, Mountain Botanical Garden of the Daghestan Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  2. Anatov Dzhalaludin Magomedovich, PhD in Biology, Laboratory of complex researches of the West-Caspian region natural resources of the Daghestan Federal Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.