Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 84

UDC: 635.111.1.635-152
GSNTI: 68.35.03, 68.35.29

Selection of source material for selection spring bread wheat by economic-valuable signs

The results of research on the selection of the source material of spring bread wheat based on the study of 41 collection varieties of various ecological and geographical origin obtained from the Federal Research Center the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant genetic resources (VIR) for the creation of new promising varieties are presented. Variety specimens were studied on the experimental field of the Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka" against a natural infectious background for 2 years (2018-2019), which contrasted with each other in meteorological conditions of the growing periods. As a result of field assessments and a structural analysis of productivity, a new source material was selected for the selection of spring soft wheat with a set of useful traits in the amount of 9 samples, which have advantages in comparison with standard variety and other samples in terms of grain weight per plot, spike, and 1000 grain weight, the number of grains per ear, spike length, resistance to lodging. 4 varieties were most distinguished in all indicators of the structural analysis of productivity: Nerda (K-66396) from Russia, (K-66375), KW 240-3-13 (K-66375), KWS Jetstream (K-66374) from Germany and Odeta ( K-66394) from the Czech Republic. The value of the source material is determined by the ability to form a high yield in different climatic conditions. With a large variability in the yield of most samples over the years, the smallest variability was found in the varieties Start, Nerdas from Russia, Odeta from the Czech Republic. An important feature that determines the economic value of a variety is resistance to lodging. 37 varieties of spring wheat that are resistant to lodging (score 9) were isolated, of which 34 varieties of specimens combine it with a short stem. One of the main economically valuable traits of spring wheat is the early maturity of the variety. 9 collection samples were singled out for precocity. When phytopathological assessment against a natural background stood out by resistance to powdery mildew 26, to Septoria - 22, to brown rust - 26 varieties. All varieties were resistant to dusty smut and stem rust. Four domestic varieties were distinguished: Botanical 81, Atlant, Nerda, Start, which combine resistance to all common diseases with high productivity.
Keywords: Spring bread wheat, collection samples, economically valuable traits, resistance to lodging, to diseases, precocity, sources.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-84-36-41


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  1. Andrushchenko Lidiya Mikhailovna, Leading Researcher, Phd in Agriculture, Leningrad Research Agriculture Institute Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre.
  2. Fedorova Maria Dmitrievna, Senior Researcher, Leningrad Research Agriculture Institute Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre.