Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 84

UDC: 633.18: 631.559: 631.531.01: 631.55
GSNTI: 68.35

Morphological properties of seedlings, seed viability and biological productivity potential of rice varieties of different ripeness groups

The duration of the growing season of the variety is of great importance for adaptation to living in certain climatic conditions and underlies the productivity of plants. To assess the relationship between seed viability during storage of the rice general plasma and the duration of the growing season, studies were conducted on the sowing qualities of seeds of 90 varieties from the collection of the Federal Scientific Center for Rice of different maturation periods. Morphobiological features of their seedlings, vegetative and reproductive characteristics of plants are phenotyped. The variability of seed germination after two years of storage for varieties within 40,0-99,0%, and the biological yield from the plot - 250.6-1250.0 g / m2. To improve the technology of safe conservation of the rice general plasma, the genotypic features of varieties were noted in the duration of preservation of seed viability and in the formation of productivity associated with the sowing qualities of seeds. It was shown that during storage, rice varieties of the mid-ripening group retained seed germination longer than the early and late-ripening varieties. 14 varieties of Kuban breeding with the best preservation of seeds were identified. An advantage in the viability of seeds of varieties of modern selection is revealed in comparison with old varieties of rice.
Keywords: Rice, variety, sowing quality of seeds, seedling, elements of productivity, growing season.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-84-184-190


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  1. Korotenko Tatyana Leonidovna, PhD in Agriculture, senior scientist, FSBSI "Federal Research Center for Rice".
  2. Sadovskaya Larisa Leonidovna, State Public, Scientific Technological Library Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  3. Yurchenko Semyon Alexandrovich, FSBSI "Federal Research Center for Rice", .