Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 84

UDC: 635.652:631.54 (571.13)
GSNTI: 68.35.31

Study of some receipts of making new varieties of fruits on seeds in conditions of southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia

The global market for legumes containing protein is dynamically developing. In 2017, the total area of crops sown amounted to about 30 million hectares, grain production of more than 23 million tons. Unfortunately, in the Russian Federation, the area under beans is slightly more than 4 thousand hectares, and the gross production is about 7 thousand tons. More than 90,0% of beans in Russia are produced in personal subsidiary plots. In recent years, interest in this culture in our country has been constantly growing due to the process of restoration of old and the construction of new processing plants, which require both a green shovel and beans to conserve as raw materials. To meet the growing demand for raw materials, industrial production of beans is necessary, and, therefore, new varieties adapted for cultivation in a particular region. Our research related to the development of varietal technologies for cultivating and stabilizing the production of high-quality common bean seeds is relevant, as there is a great demand for this crop in the region and beyond. The issues of agrotechnological techniques in accordance with the soil and climatic conditions of the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia and the peculiarities of the varietal technology of cereal beans are considered. The presented results confirm that the introduction of adapted new varieties of beans of grain use Lukerya, Olivkovaya, Omskaya Jubilee, Omichka breeding Omsk State Agrarian University, as well as varietal technology makes it possible to increase seed yield (3,5-4,7 t/ha) and expand An assortment of legumes in the region.
Keywords: Beans, agrotechnological techniques, injured seeds, productivity.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-84-164-168


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  1. Kazydub Nina Grigoryevna, DSc in Agriculture, professor, FSBEI HE Omsk State Agrarian University.
  2. Kuzmina Svetlana Petrovna, Phd in Agriculture, Associate Professor, FSBEI HE Omsk State Agrarian University.
  3. Ufimtseva Svetlana Viktorovna, graduate, FSBEI HE Omsk State Agrarian University.
  4. Smirnov Ilya Vladimirovich, graduate student, FSBEI HE Omsk State Agrarian University.