Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 83

UDC: 663.97.003(470)
GSNTI: 65.57.01

The level of the tobacco raw materials market development in Russia

The tobacco industry in the Russian Federation occupies a definitely significant place in the economy of agro-industrial goods and under the conditions of modern market management, the progress of an anti-smoking company, strict adherence to quality requirements and increased safety of tobacco products is an object of special attention. The formation of market relations predetermines its close relationship with the world leading countries of the tobacco market. In this connection the object of study is the import of tobacco raw materials into Russia. The purpose of the research is to identify the peculiarities of the import of tobacco raw materials into the Russian Federation, to analyze the customs value of the leading countries-exporters of tobacco raw materials, to determine the dynamics of volumes and the competitive prices of imported raw materials. As a result of studies of the economic situation in the development of the tobacco market in recent years, priority directions for changing the market for tobacco raw materials have been studied. A negative trend was observed in the dynamics of import of tobacco raw materials, while the problem of its reduction is rather controversial. Thus, a decrease in the volume of tobacco import negatively affects revenues to the budget of the country, since the production of own tobacco products is directly dependent on the value of its imports, and on the other hand, it leads to a decrease in the consumption of smoking products, which is undoubtedly a positive point.
Keywords: Tobacco raw materials, market, import, countries-suppliers, customs cost
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-83-37-43


  1. Официальный сайт Федеральной службы государственной статистики. - URL: http://www.gks.ru.
  2. Официальный сайт Федеральной таможенной службы. - URL: http://www.customs.ru.
  3. Романова, Н. К. Приоритетные направления сырьевого обеспечения табачной промышленности Российской Федерации / Н. К. Романова // Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. - Екатеринбург, 2020. - № 1 (91), ч. 2. - C. 27-33.


  1. Romanova Nadezhda Konstantinovna, Leading Researcher, FGBNU "All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Makhorka and Tobacco Product".
  2. Shuraeva Galina Petrovna, Scientific Secretary, FGBNU "All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Makhorka and Tobacco Product".
  3. Savvin Alexander Alexandrovich, Senior Researcher, FGBNU "All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Makhorka and Tobacco Product".