Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 81

UDC: 634/. 7.037 (477.75)
GSNTI: 68.35.59, 68.35.53

Study of dwarf and semi-dwarf clonal rootstocks for apple in the garden in the foothills of Crimea

Given the health resort sector of the economy of the Republic of Crimea, the role of fruit growing in Crimea has increased significantly. The horticulture development program provides for the laying of new intensive plantings, attracting highly productive and environmentally adapted varieties and stocks. For the first time in the Crimea, the results of a long-term study of dwarf (EM-IX, EM-26, K 1, 57-476, 57-491, 62-396, B-7-35, B-9-17, B-10-15) and semi-dwarf (MM 102, MM106, K 2, 58-175, B-14-27) rootstocks for apple trees, in combination with Golden Delishes, Renet Simirenko, Salgirskoye rootstocks in a garden laid in a river valley in the foothill zone of Crimea. The analysis of the data obtained in the irrigated garden according to the technology of growing a trellis-dwarf garden with a planting scheme of 4 ½ 2 and 4 ½ 3 m is presented. Phenological and biometric indicators of trees in the garden are illuminated, which allow us to draw a conclusion about the effect of varietal-rootstock combinations on the growth rate of plants. The trees of the Salgirskoye and Renet Simirenko varieties on B-9-17 were more tall with a 4 ½ 2 m planting pattern, the trees on the B-7-35 and B-10-15 rootstocks were less tall. According to the results of the study, the most effective varietal-rootstock combinations of apple trees in the garden were identified.
Keywords: Apple tree, garden, rootstock, variety, variety-rootstock combinations, productivity
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-81-226-230


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  1. Popov Anatoly Ivanovich, Researcher, Nursery Laboratory, Crimean Experimental Horticulture Station, Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Research Center.
  2. Chakalov Timur Serverovich, Junior Researcher, Nursery Laboratory, Crimean Experimental Horticulture Station, Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Research Center.