Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 81

UDC: 631.811.98:581.4:633.11"324"
GSNTI: 68.33.29

Effect of growth regulating substances with retardant effect on change of winter wheat morphometric indices and yield heat

The most important agricultural practice that ensures the production of stable winter wheat grain yields is the use of plant growth regulators (retardants) in the technology of growing the culture, the use of which allows not only to influence the intensity of growth processes directly, but also to increase the productivity of plants. The work was fulfilled in 2012-2013 at the experimental field of Department of plant physiology, Federal State Scientific Institution “North-Caucasus FNAC”, located in the Shpakovsky district of the Stavropol Territory, in the zone of unstable moistening. The object of research - soft winter wheat variety Krasnodar 99. Mineral nutrition background: N60P60К60 under presowing cultivation. The experiment scheme involved early spring plant leaves treatments with growth regulators (retardants) Moddus and Ce Ce Ce (as standard). Change of morphometric indices of plants after application of Moddus retardant in the dose of 0.4 l/ha was noted. At the stage of stem formation, the main stem diameter and root system length increased by 13.4% and 14.0% compared to control. The length and mass of the root system exceeded the control by 9.7% and 86.4%, and the variant-standard Ce Ce Ce 1.5 l/ha by 5.9% and 59.5%, the diameter and thickness of the wall of the main stem - by 17.2-12.7% to the control and by 4.3-4.4% to the variant-standard. In the grain maturation phase, the diameter and wall thickness of the main stem exceeded control by 59.7% and 39.6%, and the standard by 29.8% and 7.3%. The length of the 1, 2 and 3rd interstice was inferior to the control by 27.7%, 30.8% and 12.3%, and to the standard by 7.6%, 11.1% and 0.8%. The highest yield over the study period was obtained using Moddus at the doses of 0.3 l/ha and 0.4 l/ha - by 10.8% and 14.2% higher than at the control and by 5.9% and 9.2% higher than at the variant-standard Ce Ce Ce 1.5 l/ha.
Keywords: Winter wheat, plant growth regulators, retardants, morphometric indicators, yield
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-81-182-187


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  1. Semenyuk Olga Viktorovna, Phd in Biology, Senior Researcher, Plant Physiology Department, North Cavcasus Federal Agricultural Research center (North-Cavcasus FARC).
  2. Surkova Elena Viktorovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Ecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.