Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 81

UDC: 338.43
GSNTI: 06.75.55

Problems of fruit products sale: regional aspect

The most important conditions for the rhythmic functioning of the fruit market are fruits production of the required volume of the appropriate quality and assortment, stability in the credit and financial system, the legal framework, as well as developed infrastructure. It is determined that the fruit market is a combination of production and economic relations between agricultural producers and its consumers. For fruit producers, the most important economic criteria are: market size, price, demand for products, level of imports. The industry-specific features of horticulture form factors that influence the market supply: the geographical distribution of production, periodic fluctuations in gross taxes, etc. Consumer demand is influenced by: quality, price, incomes of the population, etc. Currently, the most significant condition that reduces demand is the low solvency of the population, which does not allow it to be attributed to the products of daily consumption. This indicates a high elasticity of demand from the level of price and income. The study is aimed at analyzing the problems of selling fruit products and developing proposals for improving the marketing organization in the region. The basic indicators of horticulture development for 2000-2018 are analyzed. The positive dynamics of growth in areas and gross harvests of fruits, the predominance of small-scale production in the region, as well as a high dependence on imports, were revealed. The regional problems of the fruit market are highlighted. It has been established that for all commodity producers, the organizational and economic problems of selling fruit products are of key importance. Based on the analysis of foreign practice, examples of successful wholesale distribution centers are considered. It is proposed to strengthen the work of regional authorities to create wholesale distribution centers in the nearest future. It is proposed to use innovative processing, warehouse and logistics technologies, raising the material and technical level of enterprises, workers' qualifications, and introducing marketing principles as promising tools.
Keywords: Horticulture, fruits, market, demand, supply, infrastructure, wholesale and retail trade
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-81-13-18


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  1. Velibekova Luiza Alikovna, PhD in Economics, Leading Researcher, FSBScI “Federal agrarian scientific center of the Republic of Dagestan”.