Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 81

UDC: 633.63:631.81
GSNTI: 68.33.29

Efficiency of microgranulated Easystart fertilizer for seed application for sugar beet

In research, the purpose of which was to determine the effectiveness of microgranulation Easystart fertilizer for pre-sowing introduction to sugar beet cultivated by traditional technology in the zone of unstable moistening of the Stavropol territory, the methods of experiment laying, sampling, analysing soil and plants were used approved by the relevant standards and guidelines. During the experiments the weather conditions had a decisive importance for the productivity of sugar beet, however, it is shown that application of Urea UTEC prio to germination allows increasing the roots sugar content and yielding capacity in comparison with the system of fertilizers adopted in agriculture by 2.97-5.21 t/ha, and introduction of microgranulated fertilizer water soluble fertilizer Easystart in seeding and fertilizing with WSF 15:15:30 at the roots formation beginning is even higher in comparison with control - by 5.44-of 8.71 t/ha. With an increase in material costs, which is associated with the additional purchase of fertilizers, fuel and technological operations, including harvesting a larger crop, positive economic indicators of the proposed reception in the system of sugar beet fertilizer were obtained. The yielding capacity on the variant using Easystart at sowing exceeds by 5.44-8.71 t/ha the control and by 2.97-5.21 t/ha the system (the main application of DAFK - 350 kg/ha) +100 kg /ha urea UTEC (N46) before germination for 2 years of research. The proposed system of fertilizers increased the profitability by 8.59-of 9.66%. The highest level of profitability was provided by the option with the introduction of Easystart, it exceeded the experimental version by 1.07%, the control version by 9.66%.
Keywords: Sugar beet, fertilizer, EasyStart, productivity
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-81-109-113


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  1. Lobankova Ol'ga Yur'yevna, Phd in Biology, assistant professor, Stavropol state agrarian University.
  2. Ageev Valentin Vasil'yevich, DSc in Biology, Professor, Stavropol state agrarian University.
  3. Korostylev Sergey Aleksandrovich, Phd in Agriculture, assistant professor, Stavropol state agrarian University.
  4. Sychev Victor Gavrilovich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, All-Russian research Institute of Agrochemistry D.N. Pryanishnikova.
  5. Eroshenko Fedor Vladimirovich, DSc in Biology, Professor, North Caucasian Federal scientific agrarian center.