Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 80

UDC: 633.11
GSNTI: 68.35.03: 68.35.29

Comparative evaluation of new spring soft wheat lines by main economic characteristics

The purpose of this study is to isolate the best samples of spring soft wheat against the background of a wide variation of the environment to create new varieties. The variety samples of 7 lines were studied in the field conditions of the Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka". They were studied for six years (2013-2018) on a natural infectious background in 3-4 repetitions. Early ripening has become a hallmark of the new lines. Their vegetation period varied from 87 to 90 days. The average height of the lines varied from 86 to 100 cm. All lines had a high resistance to lodging. 3 lines were distinguished by high productivity: Н2706 / 29, Н2706 / 4, Н2724 / 1. All studied lines were more resistant to powdery mildew than the standard variety. Their average degree of damage varied from 3 to 11%. By resistance to brown rust, stood out 4, stem rust - 3, septoria - 2, and damage to the Swedish fly - 3 lines. As a result of field assessments and structural analysis, one variety line H2706 / 29 with a set of economically valuable traits.After propagation, she will be transferred in 2020 to the State variety testing. Other valuable variety samples will be used in further breeding work.
Keywords: Soft spring wheat, selection sample, line, productivity, resilience, early ripeness
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-80-35-39


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  1. Andruschenko Lidia Mikhailovna, Phd in Agriculture, Leading Scientific Council, Federal State Budget Institution «Leningrad research institute for agricultural science «Belogorka».
  2. Fedorova Maria Dmitrievna, Senior Researcher, Federal State Budget Institution «Leningrad research institute for agricultural science «Belogorka».