Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 80

UDC: 634.21 (632.4: 581.45)
GSNTI: 68.35.03, 68.35.53, 68.37.07

Evaluation of the collection of apricot of the Mountain botanical garden DSC of the RAS for resistance to shot-hole (Clasterosporiumcarpophilum (Lev) Aderh.) in the mountains of Dagestan

An assessment of resistance to shot-hole of leaves of 33 apricot cultivars of various eco-geographical origins in the mountains of Dagestan is given. A comparative analysis showed that Dagestan cultivars are similar to European varieties and are more affected by the pathogen than varieties of Asian origin, and these differences are significant by the t-value. A positive reliable dependence of the degree of plant damage by shot-hole on leaf size and unreliable for the angles of the base and top of the leaf, SLA, was established. The degree of contingency varies in groups, varieties and in different years from medium positive to low negative. Large-leaved cultivars are more noticeably affected by the fungus than small-leaved semi-cultivated ones. Varieties and forms that have Asian origin and some Dagestan semi-cultural forms in their genotype were classified as highly resistant and resistant plants. It was revealed that most of the Dagestan varieties and forms of apricot belong to medium- (42%) and low resistant (37%). According to the results of evaluation of apricot varieties for resistance to shot-hole, promising varieties and forms for selection were identified, of which Dagestan samples were distinguished by the least damage (up to 10% damage and 0-1 points): Salta-1, Salta-2, Uzdenʼ, Chinese variety - Kin-Quin-Xing, Central Asian forms Tajikistan-1, Tajikistan-2 and European variety Ezhegodnik.
Keywords: Apricot, cultivars, klyasterosporiosis, ecological and geographical groups, Dagestan
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-80-31-35


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  1. Anatov Dzhalaludin Magomedovich, Phd in Biology, senior researcher, Dagestan Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  2. Osmanov Ruslan Malikovich, Junior researcher, Mountain Botanical Garden of the Dagestan Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.