Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 80

UDC: 635.21:631.526.32
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Comparative evaluation of yield and starch content of some potato varieties and their hybrids in conditions of Leningrad region

As result of long term investigation of yield and starch content of 22 potato varieties 13 of them have been determinated. These varieties are Zhukovskiy ranniy, Liga, Zorachka, Krepish, Nayada, Zhuravinka, Charodey, Krasavchik, Snegir, Briz, Nevskiy, Manifest, Charoit. Involving them in the breeding process gave possibility to make hybrid fond - 776 seedlings. Based on the studies of 776 hybrids from 9 breeding combinations due to the set of economical and biological traits - stolon length and resistance to fungus and virus diseases - 98 hybrids from 9 breeding combinations were selected in 2017 for further breeding process. In 2018 the yield und starch content of parental varieties and their hybrids have been compared. Productivity of plants was taken into account by weighing on scales. The starch content of tubers was determined by specific gravity. Some of hybrids in almost each hybrid population have shown lower level of yield and starch content in comparison with their parental varieties and in other hybrids yield and starch content were above this level. One of the potato breeding problems is to combine high level of yield and starch content in one potato cultivar. In our work 7 hybrids have shown as high productivity so high level of starch content. And these results give a hope to solve this problem.
Keywords: Potato, variety, hybrid population, yield, starch content, breeding
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-80-129-132


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  1. Ivanov Andrey Victorovich, researcher, The Federal state budget scientific educational “Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute “Belogorka”.
  2. Lebedeva Vera Alexandrovna, DSc in Agriculture, leading researcher, The Federal state budget scientific educational “Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute “Belogorka”.
  3. Gadzhiev Nadim Mahishevich, Phd in Agriculture, Head of the Department, The Federal state budget scientific educational “Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute “Belogorka”.