Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 80

UDC: 631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.03

The creation of early potato varieties for the conditions of the north-west of the russian federation is a priority task of selection

The paper presents data on the dynamics of the accumulation of commercial yield of tubers at 45, 55, 65 days after the emergence of individual early ripening varieties of potatoes in comparison with the standard. The excess in productivity of commodity tubers at 45 days after germination was observed in hybrids 211/1, 1604/4 and 2103/7. On the 55-th day after germination, the productivity of commercial yield increased by 7,0-7,5 t/per hectare, exceeding the standard showed a 211/1 hybrid. In the next 10 days, productivity increased by 6,0-11,0 tons per hectare. Interspecific hybrids 1604/4 and 2704/3 (3,7 t/ha) were in the lead. The original breeding material has been studied by indicators: the dry matter content in tubers, starche, and gustatory taste. Promising early maturing genotypes with good quality tubers were identified. On average, over six years, a higher dry matter content was observed in samples 211/1 (18.7%), 3602/1 (19.7%), 2704/3 (17.9%) and 2303/13 (21, 4%). The issues of resistance of interspecific hybrids to fungal and bacterial diseases are considered. To the established research results, the presence of protective mechanisms to the field population Ph. infestans establish in samples hybrids 211/1, 1604/4, 2103/7. Analysis of tuberous material for resistance to rhizoctonia and bacterial rot was carried out under laboratory conditions the phenotypic manifestation of symptoms. Highlighted a perspective material possessing high degree of resistance of tubers to late blight, bacterial decay and low susceptibility to rhizoctoniosis: 211/1, 211/9, 3602/1, 2303/13. As a result of a comprehensive study of the original breeding material, promising early ripening variety samples were identified with increased productivity, both in the early stages of cleaning, and in the maini, with a dry matter content in tubers above 17.0%, good taste, resistant to the most harmful fungal diseases and bacterial rot of tubers: 211/1, 211/9, 3602/1, 2704/3, 2303/13. These samples according to their characteristics meet the requirements for new varieties of potatoes, and some of them can be recommended for the State test.
Keywords: Potatoes, productivity, early maturity, quality of tubers, resistance
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-80-118-123


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  1. Evdokimova Zinaida Zacharovna, Phd in Agriculture, Leading Researcher, Federal State Budget Institution "Leningrad Research Institute for agricultural science "Belogorka".
  2. Kalashnik Marina Vladimirovna, Researcher, Federal State Budget Institution "Leningrad Research Institute for agricultural science "Belogorka".