Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 78

UDC: 595.787+632.937
GSNTI: 34.33.19, 34.25.37, 68.47.37

Mixed infections to control the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) population

The gypsy moth Lymantria dispar L. (GM) is a representative of dendrophilic phyllophages, causing serious economic damage to Russia's forestry. The chemical insecticides most commonly used to protect forests from GM, along with pests, affect many other representatives of forest biocenoses, and with frequent use they develop resistance. Biologics used to control the number of GM are also not void of drawbacks, the main of which is their high cost. We propose to optimize the composition of biologics used to protect forests from GM through the use of a combination of bacterial and viral agents. Bacterial component, based on Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (which is the basis of the drug Lepidocide), ensures the rapid death of insects in the first few days after treatment. The viral component, based on the nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV GM), will ensure the death of the remaining insects, and further viral epizooty will keep the number of GM at an economically safe level. In the course of laboratory experiments, a ratio of bacterial and viral components was selected for a binary preparation, which provides sufficient efficacy with a reduced consumption of biological agents, in comparison with the recommended doses of monopreparations. The results of a field experiment conducted in the area of Shebalino (Gorny Altai) showed that the combined preparation provides effective control of the number of GM, while the consumption of the bacterial and viral components was, respectively, 3 and 20 times less than the consumption of monodrugs (recommended by the manufacturers). Thus, it was shown that the components of the binary preparation complement each other when used together, which allowed increase the period of action and reduce the consumption of bacterial and viral agents, while maintaining high efficiency.
Keywords: Gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L, nuclear polyhedrosis virus of gypsy moth, Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, mixed infections, biological plant protection products, Shebalino (Gorny Altai)
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-78-99-104


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  1. Okhlopkova Olesya Viktorovna, postgraduate, junior researcher, Federal Budget Institution of Science State Research Center of Virology and biotechnology "Vector" Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. Kolosov Alexey Vladimirovich, PhD in biology, researcher, Federal Budget Institution of Science State Research Center of Virology and biotechnology "Vector" Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. Ananko Grigoriy Grigorevicn, PhD in biology, researcher, Federal Budget Institution of Science State Research Center of Virology and biotechnology "Vector" Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. Kuznetsov Vitaliy Evgenevich, research intern, Federal Budget Institution of Science State Research Center of Virology and biotechnology "Vector" Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Druchinina Anastasiya Vladimirovna, laboratory researcher, Federal Budget Institution of Science State Research Center of Virology and biotechnology "Vector" Rospotrebnadzor.