Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 78

UDC: 632.51
GSNTI: 68.37.33

Biological threshold of barnyard grass harmfulness for maize plants

Among gramineous weeds in crops of cultivated crops barnyard grass is the dominant one. One of the weed control strategies is a containment system in which weed control is maintained at an economically safe level. In this case, the feasibility of weeds control should be based on their biological damage thresholds, which reflect the number of weeds (pcs/m2) in a sowing, above which there is a significant decrease in yield and its quality. Biological thresholds of weed damage are variable and depend on various factors; therefore, their determination should be carried out in a specific soil-climatic zone for an individual crop. The study of the biological threshold of barnyard grass was carried out in maize sowing at the experimental field site of the All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection. The formation of a given number of weeds, removal of the excess as they emerged during the growing season of the culture was performed several times by hand weeding. The plots that were clean from weeds throughout the entire experiment served as controls. It has been established that the biological threshold of harmfulness of barnyard grass for corn plants when account ing for crops by the cob weight is within 12-13 units/m2 or 320-330 g/m2 of the weed biomass. The value of this indicator is somewhat lower when taking into account the stems and leaves mass of the crop (11 pcs/m2).
Keywords: Biological threshold of weediness, weed plant, corn, harvest
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-78-110-114


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  1. Savva Anatoly Pavlovich, PhD in Biology Head of the Laboratory of Herbology; Herbology Laboratory, All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection.
  2. Telezhenko Tamara Nikolaevna, junior reseaecher; Herbology Laboratory, All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection.
  3. Kovalov Sergey Sergeyevich, junior reseaecher; Herbology Laboratory, All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection.