Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 76

UDC: 338.432.5+634.51
GSNTI: 06.81.12, 82.33.13, 68.75.19

Organization of the process of production by households in the enterprise system

The article reflects the results of scientific work on the development of scientifically based techniques and business methods with the production of garden-nut plantations in the conditions of individual households of the population with a minimum level of investment. The conclusion is made about the expediency of direct participation, through public-private partnership, of the state in the emergence of walnut production as a competitive and highly profitable type of business based on the production cooperation of rural households. Economic analysis of the current state is presented, and trends and prospects for the development of walnut production in the Lugansk region and in the domestic market of the Russian Federation are identified. The hypothesis about the energy potential and value of the fruits of the nut culture is substantiated, which takes the competitiveness of this crop to a high level, and also has a positive effect on the stabilization of the biological component of the population's potential. The economic indicators of the efficiency of growing nut products, such as hazelnuts and walnuts, are very high today and are achieved in the second year of crop cultivation. The purpose of analyzing the efficiency of cultivation is to determine the optimal process of organizing entrepreneurship based on the production and marketing of nut products with the prospect of scaling up business and processing the resulting products, as well as creating conditions for the development of self-employment of the population, creating additional jobs during the seasonal work on harvesting products. The authors presented a scientifically-based way of organizing highly profitable and competitive production in rural households of the population, which allows rationalizing the use of land uncomfortable for agriculture and radically increasing the productivity of land against the background of increasing the environmental safety of the region. Plan for organizing the production of nut crops is proposed, which is based on the analysis of high-yield technology with a technological map of measures for laying, fuel consumption, target cultivation indicators and calculating materials and equipment for organizing a garden according to the proposed technology. The results of the study can be applied to the theoretical and methodological basis for the preparation of a business plan with the aim of attracting partners or credit resources to the domestic private households of the rural population who own land shares and other productive resources, as well as this sphere and existing (potential) entrepreneurs of the Luhansk region.
Keywords: individual households, business, production
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-76-21-30


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  1. Denisenko Igor Anatolevich, Phd in Economics, associate professor, Lugansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko.
  2. Denisenko Anatoliy Ivanovich, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, Lugansk National Agrarian University.