Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 75

UDC: 619:616.99]:636.4
GSNTI: 34.25.01

Echinococcu Granulosus influence on the cattle slaughter products quality

It was found that with the increase in the degree of invasion of echinococci of cattle in organs and tissues, the concentration of bound amino acids decreases, especially in the affected organs, indicating their disintegration into free amino acids. In addition, the different characteristics of the concentration in organs and tissues are established due to the functional characteristics of the organs. With a strong degree of infestation with Echinococcus of cattle relative to clinically healthy animals a 1,5 times decrease was found in the concentration of bound amino acids in the liver and in the longest muscle in the back, and 1,3 times - in the lung tissue and spleen, 1,2 times - in heart muscle and in tissues of the kidneys. In all organs and tissues with a strong degree of invasion, the total concentration of bound amino acids was 1,5 times lower than in clinically healthy animals. It should be noted that the following amino acids were not registered in cattle with echinococcosis: lysine in the heart muscle, lysine and tyrosine in the liver and lungs tissues; lysine and tyrosine in clinically healthy animals, the bound amino acid lysine in the liver tissues, lysine and tyrosine in the lung tissue. The high concentration of bound amino acids in clinically healthy animals testified to the absence of degenerative processes. When echinococcosis, there was a decrease in the concentration of bound amino acids, their disintegration into free amino acids. The decrease in the concentration of bound amino acids in echinococcosis indicates destructive processes occurring in the organs and tissues of animals, which leads to a deterioration in the quality and safety of animal slaughter products. In this regard, it is necessary to technically dispose not only the affected body, as indicated in the legislative and regulatory acts of veterinary and sanitary examination, but also other internal organs. At the same time, carcasses should be sent for industrial processing (production of boiled and boiled-smoked sausages).
Keywords: Cattle, organs, tissues, slaughter products, related amino acids, echinococcosis
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-75-121-131


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  1. Koshchaev Andrey Georgievich, DSc in Biology, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  2. Inyukina Tatiana Andreevna, Phd in Engineering, associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.