Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 75

UDC: 619:579.873.21
GSNTI: 68.41.35

Medium for isolation and cultivation of mycobacterium

The conducted studies have established that the new nutrient medium showed a significant superiority in the rate and intensity of growth of mycobacterium, a high indication ability in comparison with analogues, which allows accelerating the terms of laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis, as well as the identification of Mycobacterium cultures. In a comparative perspective the advantages and disadvantages, distinctive features are analyzed, the effect of compound ingredients, as well as the performance of the used nutrient media are revealed. When using the nutrient medium of the Honeycomb, it is impossible to isolate mycobacteriumum from the body of animals whose nutritional needs are not known and in this regard, we have improved the nutrient medium. The addition of agar-agar to the nutrient medium contributes to its enrichment with products of plant origin, in particular, polysaccharides (agaropectin, agarose), pyruvic and glucuronic acid, minerals and vitamins necessary for the reproduction of mycobacterium. In addition, agar-agar when interacting with a hot liquid turns into a thick jelly-like substance, thereby transforming the liquid form of the medium into an agarized one. Geothermal water acts as a source of easily digestible hydrocarbons, has a stimulating effect on the growth of mycobacterium, which is associated with the use of mineral and organic components of water mycobacterium. For hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms, which include mycobacterium, such a source is an incentive to increase growth properties. The above composition enriches the environment with the necessary biochemical components for the coordinated reproduction of all cellular components and structures of the microbial cell, in general, to ensure full growth and reproduction. Components included in the nutrient medium provide the implementation of structural processes in the cell, thereby increasing efficiency and information content. The nutrient medium was evaluated according to physiological and biological properties using reference and epizootic strains. The nutrient medium on the basis of geothermal water allows obtaining the accelerated growth and increasing the frequency of displays of the cultures of mycobacterium, which gives the opportunity to use it in the bacteriological pract.
Keywords: Mycobacterium, agar-agar nutrient medium, geothermal water, vitamins, microelements
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-75-109-114


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  1. Baratov Magomed Omarovich, Phd in Veterinary, leading researcher, FGBNU «Caspian zonal research veterinary Institute».
  2. Shantyz Aly Yusufovich, doctor of biological Sciences, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  3. Gugushvili Nino Nodarievna, doctor of biological Sciences, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.