Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 75

UDC: 631.41:634.8 (471.63)
GSNTI: 68.05.43

Salt regime features of the vineyards soils in the south of Taman

It is established that one of the reasons for the salinization of the vineyards of the South of Taman is migration of salts from surface and subsurface waters from the slopes of the mountains composed of saline marine clays. These processes occur most intensively in the bottoms of gullies and ravines that originate at the foot of the mountains. The heterogeneity of distribution of soil moisture in the thickness of the soils depressions and adjacent lowland areas makes the horizontal movement of water in the area of their coupling and constant nourishment of the plain of the vineyards due to excessive soil moisture reserves. Expansion of drenching areas leads to increase of the wetland areas and in the different extent salinized soils. The interaction and the unidirectionality of these processes provide a progressive increase in degradation processes and the expansion of the area of distribution of saline soil differences. In saline soils located in the upper and middle part of stratum plains and along the ravines that cross the valley from North to South depression and premature death of plants of grapes is marked. Here, the amount of toxic salts from the soil surface exceeds 0,1-0,2%, from the depth of 80 cm - 0.3%. Combined impact of the soil heavy granulometric composition and the presence of soluble salts in the soil rooting zone (activity of sodium - more than 20 mmol/l) leads to the inhibition of grapes plants and to their productivity reducing.
Keywords: The southern chernozems, meadow chernozem soil, grape planting, soil salinity, the activity of the ions, salt composition
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-75-102-108


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  1. Chernikov Evgeny Alexandrovich, Phd in Agriculture, FSBI North Caucasian Federal scientific center for horticulture, viticulture, winemaking.
  2. Popova Valentina Petrovna, DSc in Agriculture, FSBI North Caucasian Federal scientific center for horticulture, viticulture, winemaking.
  3. Fomenko Taras Grigorievich, Phd in Agriculture, FSBI North Caucasian Federal scientific center for horticulture, viticulture, winemaking.