Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 74

UDC: 633.18.631.52:631.523
GSNTI: 68.01.81

Study of the influence of weather-climatic conditions on physical and chemical traits of grain quality of rice strain samples in breeding process

The article presents the results of evaluation of physic-chemical traits of grain quality and amylographic characteristics of grain starch dispersion of strain samples of FSBSI ARRRI in breeding process under conditions of the Krasnodar Territory. Grain quality is affected by weather conditions, cultivation technologies, and technologies of harvesting and post-harvesting procession. With optimal physiological and biochemical state of the plants high quality grain is formed, so it is necessary to increase the ecological adaptability of crop by breeding, studying genetic resources and selecting parental forms that meet the requirements of the new variety. To do this, at each stage of breeding process, rice varieties are evaluated for grain quality. The main quality traits, which determine the consumer advantages of rice products, are vitreousity, fracturing and amylographic characteristics of grain starch dispersion. Amylographic characteristics of grain starch dispersion allow evaluating the milled rice for viscosity parameters and to recommend it for certain types of food. In this work influence of weather-climatic conditions on rice grain quality was studied. The vitreousity and fracturing were determined by standard techniques using the DSA-3 diaphanoscope, the amylographic characteristics of starch dispersion were determined on a Brabender microviscamylograph. Evaluation of grain quality of the studied strain samples showed that vitreousity practically did not change over the years of research, the number of fractured grains was higher in 2015, the values of amylographic indicators lowered in 2015. Reaction of strain samples to the changing weather conditions was different. Strain samples VNIIR 6019 and VNIIR 6363 reacted insignificantly to changing weather conditions, which makes it possible to recommend them as donors of valuable traits in the breeding process for developing new varieties.
Keywords: Rice, weather and climatic conditions, grain quality, physical and chemical traits, vitreousity, fracturing, amylographic characteristics of grain starch dispersion
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-74-124-130


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  1. Papulova Elina Yurievna, Phd in Biology, sr. researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Rice Research Institute".
  2. Chizhikova Svetlana Sergeyevna, Phd in Biology, sr. researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Rice Research Institute".
  3. Olhovaya Knarik Karapetovna, junior researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Rice Research Institute".