Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 634.11.073
GSNTI: 68.35.53

Intense uterine stick orchards of apple and pear

The objects of research were twenty five apple varieties and three pear varieties. All experiments were carried out in intensive utero-cuttings plantings of vertical and horizontal type. The aim of the investigation was to study the productivity of intensive fallopian - stalk plantings of seed crops under various systems of formation of uterine plants and planting schemes, and on this basis to develop technological methods of cultivation of grafted cuttings. Three planting schemes of 150×50 cm, 150×100 cm and 150+50×50 cm were studied. Studies have shown that in intensive utero-cuttings gardens zoned apple and pear varieties have high productivity. Productive plantations with planting 150+50×50 cm superior to the Royal gardens planted according to the scheme 150×50 cm apple on 218,8-294,5 thousand units per hectare standard cuttings, and the pear on 94.8-204,3 thousand units per hectare, depending on variety. At the end of the first year of vegetation with horizontal cells, you can already prepare to 6.7-13.4 thousand standard cuttings of apple trees. When operating cuttings cells must be considered a significant impact on the productivity of the varietal parent plants. The contents of the cultivars with low growth in red cells with vertical forming, greatly increases the growth processes of plants. Intensive utero-cuttings plantings have no unproductive period.
Keywords: Liquor, apple, pear, cuttings, planting schemes, formation system
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-25-28


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  4. Безух, Е. П. Продуктивность вертикальной формировки лугового типа плодовых растений в интенсивных маточно-черенковых насаждениях / Е. П. Безух // Известия Международной академии аграрного образования. - 2017. - № 33. - С. 143-147.


  1. Bezukh Evgeniy Petrovich, Сand Sc (Agr), leading researcher, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Institute for Engineering and Environment Problems in Agricultural Production”.