Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 630*165.6
GSNTI: 68.47.03

Making permanent forest seed stands

The analysis of creation and operation of permanent forest seed plots (PFSP) of forest tree species has been made. The purpose of the study is to study the current trends of the PFSP operating under different conditions. As a result of research is to determine the prospects for using this type of forest seed base facilities. The basic requirements for their creation are stated. Positive and negative aspects of their use are shown. The dynamics of their creation over the past 30 years has been traced. It was established that if the developed requirements were observed during the creation of the PFSP, they were of practical and economic importance for providing seeds of local origin, especially plants with falling fruits and cones. For coniferous species with small seeds (pine, spruce, larch, etc.) they can be used only in places with developed infrastructure. So, in the southern regions there are positive experiences of the operation of the pine PFSP, while in the taiga zone, in particular in Karelia, there are many examples of their ineffectiveness. It is suggested to generalize the experience gained in the country and to develop a zoning of this species of the forest seed base use for different forest tree species.
Keywords: Permanent forest seed plots, forest tree species, forest seed base
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-240-244


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  1. Tsarev Anatoly Petrovich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor; Head researcher, FSBI “All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology”, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".
  2. Laur Natalia Vladimirovna, DSc in Agriculture, associate Professor; Professor Department of forest complex technology and organization, FSBEIHPE "Petrozavodsk state University".